Pinned issues
- 6
Unexpected Attribute in tfvars
#1838 opened by theherk - 6
Slow performance on v0.35.0
#1857 opened by bcspragu - 1
- 0
Goto definition breaks for object variables
#1866 opened by mauriba - 4
Huge memory usage
#1730 opened by cveld - 5
Language server uses an ambiguous provider version when multiple .terraform environments exist
#1664 opened by seanhoughton - 5
Offer Binaries with each release
#1816 opened by klnusbaum - 0
- 4
- 22
- 7
Terraform Language Server doesn't recognize variables defined in other file.
#1729 opened by crazyoptimist - 1
Not resolving variables of type object
#1819 opened by windowsrefund - 5
Language server references variables of a parent module instead of sub-module
#1771 opened by serpro69 - 2
Module autocomplete does not work on root module with private git repo as source
#1604 opened by Jahsis - 4
- 2
Document new language server architecture
#1734 opened by dbanck - 2
Declared module calls for installed modules aren't decoded
#1733 opened by dbanck - 2
Job.go error: retrying on obj is nil
#1663 opened by reynoldputra - 3
- 4
LSP client not attached to new (empty) files
#1741 opened by serpro69 - 2
Improve language extensibility
#1614 opened by dbanck - 2
Split monolithic state into multiple entities
#1626 opened by dbanck - 2
Create a generic abstraction over all state entities
#1627 opened by dbanck - 3
Reduce the amount of initial work when walking a workspace
#1629 opened by dbanck - 2
- 0
Introduce a low priority background workspace indexer
#1735 opened by dbanck - 1
- 2
No declaration found for "local" when "local" is used as a variable in a for loop
#1690 opened by mymasse - 1
Replace `coreFunctions` with the new functions merger
#1613 opened by dbanck - 7
Snippet "tf-azurerm_public_ip" generates outdated resource block. public_ip_address_allocation has beed replaced by allocation_method
#1665 opened by Jihillestad - 3
- 3
Support Terraform Test (*.tftest.hcl) Files
#1648 opened by bgshacklett - 2
Crash during completion in front of non-empty `[ ]`
#1606 opened by radeksimko - 1
Cannot ignore files from being indexed when using terraform-ls via nvim-lsp
#1610 opened by garrettheel - 1
- 7
terraform-ls fails to start when I open a Terraform project from WSL with VScode
#1585 opened by Ernyoke - 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
Diagnostics updated for all files on changes
#1603 opened by rchl - 0
- 0
Report duplicate blocks
#1590 opened by radeksimko - 0
Improve completion within `locals`
#1586 opened by radeksimko - 0
- 0
Introduce decoupled Code Actions
#1575 opened by radeksimko - 0
New Code Action: Rewrite local value as a variable
#1570 opened by radeksimko - 0
New Code Action: Rewrite variable as a local value
#1569 opened by radeksimko - 0
- 0
New Code Action: Move a block between modules
#1566 opened by radeksimko - 0
New Code Action: Move a block into a file
#1565 opened by radeksimko