
Not able to login with Google OIDC auth

raulkozy opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Team,

I tried configuring Google login through OIDC auth

below are the details of the same
#1 Enabled OIDC auth in vault using
vault enable auth oidc

#2 @google Developer Console i have redirect path Configured as.

#3 I have Executed the below command to configure the OIDC auth .
vault write auth/oidc/config \ oidc_discovery_url="https://accounts.google.com" \ oidc_client_id="6448059680488-7610vslo9vfqk3m7lc9a9h5cv2qgb9v4.apps.googleusercontent.com", \ oidc_client_secret="Lp71KRw83ZCkSptuzULRFPr", \ default_role="gmail"

#4 I have created a policy as demo as
path "/*" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"] }

#5 I have Executed the below command to define a new OIDC role.
vault write auth/oidc/role/gmail \ user_claim="sub" \ bound_audiences=6448059680488-7610vslo9vfqk3m7lc9a9h5cv2qgb9v4.apps.googleusercontent.com \ allowed_redirect_uris=https://Domain_NAME/ui/vault/auth/oidc/oidc/callback \ policies=demo \ ttl=1h

#6 after configuring these steps when i try to login to vault using OIDC i get an error and there is no option to login with google below is the screenshot of same.


#7 The config and role read as following
`$ vault read auth/oidc/config
Key Value

bound_issuer n/a
default_role gmail
jwks_ca_pem n/a
jwks_url n/a
jwt_supported_algs []
jwt_validation_pubkeys []
oidc_client_id 6448059680488-7610vslo9vfqk3m7lc9a9h5cv2qgb9v4.apps.googleusercontent.com,
oidc_discovery_ca_pem n/a
oidc_discovery_url https://accounts.google.com`

`vault read auth/oidc/role/gmail
Key Value

allowed_redirect_uris [https://Domain_NAME/ui/vault/auth/oidc/oidc/callback]
bound_audiences [6448059680488-7610vslo9vfqk3m7lc9a9h5cv2qgb9v4.apps.googleusercontent.com]
bound_subject n/a
clock_skew_leeway 0
expiration_leeway 0
groups_claim n/a
not_before_leeway 0
policies [demo]
role_type oidc
token_bound_cidrs []
token_explicit_max_ttl 0s
token_max_ttl 0s
token_no_default_policy false
token_num_uses 0
token_period 0s
token_policies [demo]
token_ttl 1h
token_type default
ttl 1h
user_claim sub
verbose_oidc_logging false

kindly let me know where the config went wrong.
As i tried the same set of steps with Keycloak(a different OIDC provider) but landed at the same issue.
Thanks in advance.

Tried To Investigate the url of the authentication window.

There was an extra parameter "%2C" which is a hexadecimal code for ","
So there is a small correction with the commands
presenting the correct and the incorrect one as follows.

The In-Correct Config

vault write auth/oidc/config \ oidc_discovery_url="https://accounts.google.com" \ oidc_client_id="<Client_Id>", \ oidc_client_secret="<Secret_Id>", \ default_role="gmail"

The Correct Config

vault write auth/oidc/config \ oidc_discovery_url="https://accounts.google.com" \ oidc_client_id="<Client_Id>" \ oidc_client_secret="<Secret_Id>" \ default_role="gmail"

There is a small "," at the end of client_id & Secret_id which played the trick.

Closing the issue.