
Url health check kafka producer and consumer. Done as a coding test.

Primary LanguagePython



There's a function to get metrics, which works, but it isn't really exposed via any API, http or cmdline or otherwise. The producer and consumer and tests work. And the tests take a while since they test the whole round trip.

Must populate settings.py for things to work, btw. Also, CA cert files are created during running/testing, from the strings inside settings.py.

Running for development:

docker-compose -f .\docker-compose-dev.yml build
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose-dev.yml run sitemonitor

The above will drop you into bash.


From inside the bash prompt, run python /code/test.py

Tests require internet to work, and assume "https://www.example.com/" to be working and reachable.

A very neat idea would be to run a "simplehttpserver" in python so the dependency on "example.com" would go away, but I was still connecting to the aiven postgres and kafka so didn't bother.

Running consumer and producer:

docker-compose -f .\docker-compose-run.yml up -d --build