
A collection of coding problems taken from Leetcode, Hackerrank, and interviews that I have had.

Primary LanguagePython


###Here is a collection of coding problems from Leetcode, Hackerrank, and technical interviews that I have had so far along with solutions. I will also include some problems that I have come up with. You will also find example code for various topics and libraries.

###Of course, you should attempt the problems on your own first because it will only strengthen your problem-solving skills and that is what technical interviewers are really testing you on. There is no point in memorizing solutions to problems because it is easy to come up with your own original problems once you have become a strong engineer.

###With that said, it is helpful to practice reading others' code and analyze their approach to different types of problems. Read as much code as you can and learn as many different techniques as possible so that you can solve any problem you encounter.

###Also, choose a path and take your time to really master the language and/or skills that it requires to be successful and make valuable contributions.

###Happy coding <3