
Expose your local ports with popular services via Private Message ;)

MIT LicenseMIT


Expose your local ports with popular services via Private Message ;)


  • Expose any port on your local computer via many popular Tunnel Service (free only, yep)
  • In your pocket/smartphone: Control with IM (Telegram, Discord, ...)
  • Load-balanced/fails over is ready.
  • Single-short-session only: never do long-time sessions to protect yourself


  • I realize that I can not use Anydesk/Teamviewer/Ultraviewer on my Virtualbox Windows with smooth control. Because it needs Hardware to render graphic.
  • Remote Desktop Connection is good, they do graphic rendering via guest computer, not host computer. And the connection speed of Ngrok is good too! But random disconnect after a few minutes.


  • I also want to do this method with my smartphone whenever I want via IM.

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