
A Ruby gem for communicating with the Twilio API and generating TwiML

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Via rubygems.org:

$ gem install twilio-ruby

To build and install the development branch yourself from the latest source:

$ git clone git@github.com:twilio/twilio-ruby.git
$ cd twilio-ruby
$ git checkout develop
$ rake gem
$ gem install pkg/twilio-ruby-{version}

Getting Started With REST

Setup Work

require 'rubygems' # not necessary with ruby 1.9 but included for completeness
require 'twilio-ruby'

# put your own credentials here
account_sid = 'ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
auth_token = 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'

# set up a client to talk to the Twilio REST API
@client = Twilio::REST::Client.new account_sid, auth_token

Send an SMS

# send an sms
  :from => '+14159341234',
  :to => '+16105557069',
  :body => 'Hey there!'

Do Some Stuff With Calls

# make a new outgoing call
@call = @client.account.calls.create(
  :from => '+14159341234',
  :to => '+18004567890',
  :url => 'http://myapp.com/call-handler'

# hangup a ringing call, but don't touch it if it's connected

# if you have the call sid, you can fetch a call object via:
@call = @client.account.calls.get('CA386025c9bf5d6052a1d1ea42b4d16662')

# redirect an in-progress call

# hangup a call, no matter whether it is ringing or connected

Buy a Phone Number

# print some available numbers
@numbers = @client.account.available_phone_numbers.get('US').local.list(
  :contains => 'AWESOME'
@numbers.each {|num| puts num.phone_number}

# buy the first one
@number = @numbers[0].phone_number
@client.account.incoming_phone_numbers.create(:phone_number => @number)

Getting Started With Client Capability Tokens

If you just need to generate a Capability Token for use with Twilio Client, you can do this:

require 'rubygems' # not necessary with ruby 1.9 but included for completeness
require 'twilio-ruby'

# put your own account credentials here:
account_sid = 'AC043dcf9844e13758bc3a36a84c29761'
auth_token = '62ea81de3a5b413254eb263595357c69'

# set up
capability = Twilio::Util::Capability.new account_sid, auth_token

# allow outgoing calls to an application
capability.allow_client_outgoing 'AP89a0180a1a4ddf1da954efca349b7a20'

# allow incoming calls to 'andrew'
capability.allow_client_incoming 'andrew'

# generate the token string
@token = capability.generate

There is a slightly more detailed document in the Capability section of the wiki.

Getting Started With TwiML

TwiML support is based on the builder library. You can construct a TwiML response like this:

require 'rubygems' # not necessary with ruby 1.9 but included for completeness
require 'twilio-ruby'

# build up a response
response = Twilio::TwiML::Response.new do |r|
  r.Say 'hello there', :voice => 'woman'
  r.Dial :callerId => '+14159992222' do |d|
    d.Client 'jenny'

# print the result
puts response.text

This will print the following (except for the whitespace):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Say voice="woman">hello there</Say>
  <Dial callerId="+14159992222">

More Information

There are more detailed examples in the included examples directory.

Full API documentation, as well as an upgrade guide for users of the old twiliolib gem, is available in the twilio-ruby github wiki.