
A team collaboration project for the SPL 1.

Primary LanguageJava

SurveyFeedback - A Survey Management

SurveyFeedback is a survey management system. A simple survey management console based system that handles both Admin and User side responsibilites. Coordinate users can Create, Edit, Open/Close surveys.Whereas, Respondent users can take surveys and view survey reports. The application is developed as a group project for the course SWE 4304 - Software Project Lab at Islamic University of Technology.

Project Layout

Our project adheres to the following directory layout:

├─── coordinatorUsers.txt
├─── respondentUsers.txt
├─┬─ Surveys/
│ └─── All_Surveys.txt              (Stores all created Surveys)
├─┬─ SurveyResponses/               (Stores all Survey Responses)
│ ├─── Survey_ID_(SurveyNo)_Responses.txt
│ └─── So on ....
├─┬─ SurveyReports/                 (Stores all Survey Reports)
│ ├─── Survey_ID_(SurveyNo)_Report.txt
│ └─── So on ....
├─┬─ src/
│ ├─┬─ AuthenticationHelper/
│ │ ├─── UserAuthentication.java
│ │ └─── PasswordHashManager.java
│ ├─┬─Survey/
│ │ ├─── Survey.java
│ │ └─── Question.java
│ ├─┬─User/
│ │ ├─── User.java
│ │ ├─── SurveyCoordinator.java
│ │ └─── SurveyRespondent.java
│ ├─┬─TextFileHandler/
│ │ ├─── SurveyTextFileHandler.java
│ │ ├─── UserTextFileHandler.java
│ │ └─── SurveyReponseTextFileHander.java
│ └─┬─ Report/
│   └─── SurevyReportGenerator.java


Our application handles both Admin and User side responsibilites. For the admin panel, the following features are implemented:

  • Create default template surveys
  • Create custom surveys
  • Edit surveys
  • Delete surveys
  • Open/Close surveys
  • View Survey Responses
  • Generate Survey Reports
  • View Survey Reports
  • View Survey Statistics

For the user panel, the following features are implemented:

  • View open surveys
  • Take surveys
  • View Survey Reports
  • View Survey Statistics

How to run the application

# Clone the repository
# Open the project in Visual Studio Code
# Run the main method in the Main.java file
# The application will run in the console
# Follow the instructions in the console to navigate through the application
# The application will create the required files and folders in the project directory
