
Data Science Coursera repository

Primary LanguageR

getting data - project

files download

the script will start by downloading the required zip file with the dataset and unzip it in the working directory

data loading into memory

once the files are available on the disk, the script will load all data sets into memory:

  • mapping tables: all "global" tables such as activity labels or features will be loaded first in their own variable
  • merge training and test data: then all files from subfolders ("train","test") will be loaded. A pair of files will be loaded together by the function ''readAndMerge'' which creates a single dataframe from both training and testing data using the ''rbind'' function

expand data set with descriptive labels

when all data is loaded in memory, some descriptive data is added to the ''x'' dataset to make up the final ''data'' frame.

  • the columns of the main data set will have their appropriate name given from the "feature" file
  • the activity and subject columns will then be added to the dataset
  • the activity code will be expanded to its label from the "activity labels" file. This is done using the ''merge'' function

restrict data to only wanted columns

Once all additional descriptive information is added, the script will restrict the data to only those columns that contain a mean or standard deviation. This is done by finding from the column names those that relate to a captured data (prefix 't') and end with either "mean" or "std".

After this step, columns are reordered for a clean display: activity name and subject id first, then the rest of the captured data

summarise the data (step 5 in the exercise)

Data is summarised using the ''dplyr'' library. The sequence of steps is as follows:

  • use the dataframe called ''data'' as source data
  • group all rows by activity, then subject id
  • use the ''summarise_each'' function to apply the ''mean'' function to each group and get the expected result

save result to a file

Finally, the result is written to a text file according to the instructions in the project details