A Haskell parser for SMT-LIB version 2.6 1. The language reference is available in pdf.
Run a parser with an input string:
-- parseStringEof :: Parser a -> T.Text -> Either ParseError a
parseStringEof numeral "0" === Right ("0" :: Numeral)
parseStringEof identifier "(_ BitVec 32)" === Right (IdIndexed ("BitVec" :: Symbol) (fromList [IxNumeral "32"]))
Run a parser from a file string, possibly leading and trailing by spaces and having comments
-- parseFileMsg :: Parser a -> T.Text -> Either T.Text a
>>> parseFileMsg script (T.pack "(set-logic HORN)\n\n(declare-fun |sum$unknown:2|\n ( Int Int ) Bool\n)\n(assert\n (forall ( (|$V-reftype:10| Int) (|$alpha-1:n| Int) (|$knormal:1| Int) (|$knormal:2| Int) (|$knormal:3| Int) )\n (=>\n ( and (= |$knormal:2| (- |$alpha-1:n| 1)) (= (not (= 0 |$knormal:1|)) (<= |$alpha-1:n| 0)) (= |$V-reftype:10| (+ |$alpha-1:n| |$knormal:3|)) (not (not (= 0 |$knormal:1|))) (|sum$unknown:2| |$knormal:3| |$knormal:2|) true )\n (|sum$unknown:2| |$V-reftype:10| |$alpha-1:n|)\n )\n )\n)(check-sat)")
Right [ SetLogic "HORN"
, DeclareFun "sum$unknown:2" [SortSymbol (IdSymbol "Int"),...] (SortSymbol (IdSymbol "Bool"))
, Assert (TermForall ...)
, CheckSat
may cause performance issue. Use parseCommentFreeFileMsg
on a preprocessed comment-free file instead.
Barrett, Clarke, Pascal Fontaine and Cesare Tinelli. The SMT-LIB Standard: Version 2.6. Technical Report BarFT-RR-17, Department of Computer Science, The University of Iowa, 2017. Available at www.SMT-LIB.org ↩