
Aada is a decentralized lending and borrowing protocol built with Plutus smart contract

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0



This repository hosts on-chain code part of aada-lend project.

Project structure

  • app/ - Exectuable files
  • src/ - Smartcontracts. Files ending with Nft are minting policies.
  • test/ - Files for testing project.

System Actors

  • Borrower
  • Lender

Use cases

Borrower can

  • Create loan request
  • Cancel loan request
  • Return loan

Lender can

  • Lend
  • Liquidate borrower loan by taking collateral
  • Retrieve loan and loan interest


Aada lend smartcontract part

  • Up until loan is given Borrower should always be able to cancel his loan request.
  • When canceling loan request Borrower should always be able to get all of his collateral back.
  • Only Borrowers Nft owner can cancel loan request. Loan request can be canceled only if Borrowers nft is burnt.
  • Loan receiver is identified by data encoded with datum.
  • Loan request is created by locking collateral funds into Request.hs smartcontract together with datum.
  • Borrower must provide this information when creating request:
data Datum = Datum
    { borrowersNFT          :: !CurrencySymbol     -- collateral provider id
    , borrowersPkh          :: !PaymentPubKeyHash  -- who shall get loan
    , loantn                :: !TokenName          -- loan asset token name
    , loancs                :: !CurrencySymbol     -- loan asset currency symbol
    , loanamnt              :: !Integer            -- amount of loan
    , interesttn            :: !TokenName          -- interest asset token name
    , interestcs            :: !CurrencySymbol     -- interest currency symbol
    , interestamnt          :: !Integer            -- amount of interest
    , collateralcs          :: !CurrencySymbol     -- collateral currency symbol
    , repayinterval         :: !POSIXTime          -- repay interval
    , liquidateNft          :: !CurrencySymbol     -- liquidation oracle id
    , collateraltn          :: !TokenName          -- collateral token name
    , collateralamnt        :: !Integer            -- amount of collateral
    , collateralFactor      :: !Integer            -- Colalteral factor used for liquidation
    , liquidationCommission :: !Integer            -- How much % borrower will pay for lender when liquidated (before time passes)
    , requestExpiration     :: !POSIXTime          -- Time loan request is valid to
    } deriving Show
  • Lender can get Vesting rights to borrowers collateral only when loan is given to borrower and collateral funds are transfered to Collateral.hs smartcontract.
  • Lender can't get Vesting rights to borrowers collateral if loan is not given to owner of PaymentPubKeyHash which is encoded in Request.hs smartcontract datum.
  • Lender can't get Vesting rights to borrowers collateral if 1 time NFT is not sent to Collateral.hs.
  • Lender can't get Vesting rights to borrowers collateral if collateral from Request.hs smartcontract is not transfered to Collateral.hs smartcontract. Lender can't get Vesting rights to borrowers collateral if datum provided with Request.hs is different than datum provided to Collateral.hs smartcontract.
  • Lender can't get Vesting rights to borrowers collateral if 2 Lender NFTs are not minted and one of them is not locked into Collateral.hs smartcontract.
  • Lender can't retrieve collateral from Collateral.hs if repayinterval didn't pass and 1 timenft is not burnt or datum provided liquidate nft is not minted/burnt unless liqudation OracleNft is burnt.
  • Lender can't retrieve collateral from Collateral.hs if 2 Lender Nfts are not burnt and one of them is not from Collateral.hs smart contract.
  • Borrower can't retrieve his collateral if borrowers nft encoded in datum is not burnt.
  • Borrower can't retrieve his collateral if loan is not sent to Interest.hs smartcontract.
  • Borrower can't retrieve his collateral if enough interest is not sent to Interest.hs smartcontract.
  • Borrower can't retrieve his collateral if Lender nft is not sent to Interest.hs smartcontract.
  • Lender can't retrieve his interest from Interest.hs smartcontract if 2 Lender Nfts are not burnt and one of them is not from Interest.hs smart contract.
  • If Borrower returns laon sooner than repayinterval he only needs to pay (current time - loan taken time) / repay interval amount of interest.
  • Lender shouldn't be able to provide loan to borrower if loan request has expired.

Nfts minting requirements

Borrower nft
  • It shouldn't be possible to mint more than one Nft at a time
  • It shouldn't be possible to have two Nfts with same CurrencySymbol
  • It shouldn't be possible to mint Borrower nft with other token name than 66 -> B
Lender Nft
  • It shouldn't be possible to mint other than 2 Nfts at a time
  • It shouldn't be possible to mint Nft if 1 of them is not sent to Collateral.hs smartcontract
  • Only two Nfts can be burnt at a time
  • It shouldn't be possible to mint Lender nft with other token name than 76 -> L
Time Nft
  • It shouldn't be possible to mint Time Nft with other token name than POSIXTime provided as a NFT parameter
  • It shouldn't be possible to mint Time Nft with bigger time than provided with POSIXTime and than the time which is currently present


For M1 mac users

M1 Macs uses different instruction set (Arm is RISC) than the usuall Intel or AMD processors (CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computing). As of writing this readme I haven't managed to make this project work and compile out of the box on M1 Mac and to solve that one solution I have found to work is by using virtualization with lima-vm

Steps to set up environment for using lima-vm:

  1. Install lima-vm
  2. Launch lima and select ubuntu image
  3. Edit default lima-vm config. Most import parts are:
  • Memory. I had 4GiB at first and it wasn't enough, but once I set it to 8Gib everything went smoothly
  • Arch. x86_64
  • Mounts - writeable: set it to True
  1. Open lima
  2. Dont forget to apt update
  3. Install nix
  4. Download ghcup dependencies. (These ghcup steps are probably optional because we are using nix? But its nice to have ghci at hand)
  5. Download and install haskell with ghcup
  6. Set up nix cache inside lima instance
  7. Clone plutus repo. nix-shell
  8. Clone this repository. Cd into it. Cabal build.

It does work slower than native, but it works.

Example lima-vm resulting configuration file lima.yaml:

arch: x86_64
- location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/21.10/release-20220201/ubuntu-21.10-server-cloudimg-amd64.img"
  arch: "x86_64"
  digest: "sha256:73fe1785c60edeb506f191affff0440abcc2de02420bb70865d51d0ff9b28223"
- location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/21.10/release-20220201/ubuntu-21.10-server-cloudimg-arm64.img"
  arch: "aarch64"
  digest: "sha256:1b5b3fe616e1eea4176049d434a360344a7d471f799e151190f21b0a27f0b424"
- location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/21.10/release/ubuntu-21.10-server-cloudimg-amd64.img"
  arch: "x86_64"
- location: "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/21.10/release/ubuntu-21.10-server-cloudimg-arm64.img"
  arch: "aarch64"
cpus: null
memory: 12GiB
disk: null
- location: "~"
  writable: true
    cache: null
    followSymlinks: null
- location: "/tmp/lima"
  writable: true
  localPort: 0
  loadDotSSHPubKeys: null
  forwardAgent: null
  system: null
  user: null
  aarch64: null
  x86_64: null
  legacyBIOS: null
  display: null
propagateProxyEnv: null
  enabled: null
  ipv6: null


If using docker install docker.


Get repo

git clone https://github.com/aada-finance/aada-finance.git
cd aada-finance

Build image

docker build -t aada_lend .

Compile smartcontracts

Compile and create validators:

docker run -v <host_directory>:/app aada_lend bash -c "/usr/local/bin/compile-validators <validation_script_name>"

Compile minting script


docker run -v <host_directory>:/app aada_lend bash -c "/usr/local/bin/mint-<option>-nft <minting_script_name> <utxo>"


  • mint-borrower-nft <utxo>. Script name -> <utxo>.borrowernft
  • mint-lender-nft <utxo>. Script name -> <utxo>.lendernft
  • mint-time-nft. Script name -> policyscript.timenft


docker run -v /home/user/Programming/aada-finance:/app aada_lend bash -c "/usr/local/bin/mint-lender-nft 0a630191d2ba7fa96ecdc9096b826a1f9c210028e02fabc9c0288e2e37d3e2b8#0.borrowernft"

Compile OracleNft minting script


docker run -v <host_directory>:/app aada_lend bash -c "/usr/local/bin/mint-oracle-nft <pkh1> <pkh2> <pkh3> <valh> <tn>"


  • pkh1 -> PubKeyHash of party which mush sign to mint this Nft
  • pkh2 -> PubKeyHash of party which mush sign to mint this Nft
  • pkh3 -> PubKeyHash of party which mush sign to mint this Nft
  • valh -> ValidatorHash where Nft Must be sent to be minted
  • tn -> TokenName for Nft to be minted


docker run -v /home/user/Programming/aada-finance:/app aada_lend bash -c "/usr/local/bin/mint-oracle-nft ff ff ff ff ff"

Generate OracleNft example

Inside project

cabal run generate-example-jsons

In docker:

docker run -v /home/user/Programming/aada-finance:/app aada_lend bash -c "/usr/local/bin/generate-example-jsons"

Run tests

cabal test

Contribution guide

Have a proposal?

Raise an issue with a title proposal - <proposal name>!

Use this template:

# <Proposal name>

## What would you like to be different?

## Why do you think this change would improve this project?

Have a suggested change?

  1. Raise a proposal issue
  2. Create tests to cover changes
  3. Implement changes
  4. Make sure nothing breaks
  5. Create PR
  6. Wait for approval

Found a bug?

Raise an issue with a title bug - <bug name>!

Use this template:

# <bug name>

## Your setup

## What is not working as expected?

## What behaviour did you expect?

## What do you think is causing unexpected behaviour?

## How do you think this problem could be resolved?

Contact us




repo manager

  • email: tomas@aada.finance