Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer
- 3
- 0
exactPrint fails with class type family
#476 opened by skatayama - 0
Parser cannot handle case of MultiWayIf
#474 opened by nineonine - 0
- 0
- 1
DataKinds pretty-printing: Better to have spaces
#471 opened by nomeata - 1
DataKinds: No escaping of type level strings?
#470 opened by nomeata - 0
Empty case without `{}`
#469 opened by nomeata - 0
MultiWayIf: Expects different indentation than GHC
#468 opened by nomeata - 0
Template Haskell expressions with Unicode mathematical white square brackets: `ParseFailed`.
#466 opened by kindaro - 0
Example references ClassA, which no longer exists
#462 opened by endgame - 1
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hClose not being called
#459 opened by msrdic - 0
ExactPrint: internal error
#458 opened by mhusmann - 0
- 0
Parse error on (~)
#451 opened by infinity0 - 0
- 0
self-delimiting parseExp (and others)?
#449 opened by jwaldmann - 1
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GHC 8.6 extension support?
#419 opened by kozross - 1
Unicode is not prettyprinted correctly
#443 opened by DanBurton - 1
Use MonadFail (does not build under ghc 8.8)
#437 opened by andreasabel - 0
Parse Error on empty closed type families
#438 opened by JakobBruenker - 0
Support for COLUMN pragma?
#436 opened by NickSeagull - 3
Unable to parse legal UTF-8 function names
#425 opened by fosskers - 1
Parse error on kind synonym
#435 opened by peddie - 0
- 1
parse error with -XQuantifiedConstraints
#433 opened by ghorn - 1
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exactPrint throws Prelude.init: empty list.
#426 opened by Magicloud - 6
Parse failed with LANGUAGE pragma
#424 opened by Magicloud - 5
haddock build fails
#418 opened by damiencourousse - 0
Why is 1.20.3 not in master?
#422 opened by neongreen - 0
Parse error when using (~)
#421 opened by yairchu - 0
Parse failure when importing with an explicit namespace
#417 opened by Taneb - 4
Error with data instance and type operators
#402 opened by ndmitchell - 0
Make Ord/Eq for ParseResult
#401 opened by ndmitchell - 0
Error with Pattern synonyms
#403 opened by LeanderK - 1
Add support for the Strict extension
#407 opened by ndmitchell - 0
`TypeInType` implies `PolyKinds`
#412 opened by vrom911 - 1
Failure to parse record-style GADT constructors in the presence of constructor constraints
#404 opened by thoughtpolice - 1
Base fixities are incomplete
#395 opened by ndmitchell - 0
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Base-fixities are out of date
#393 opened by ndmitchell