Build Error network-
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Building network-
Preprocessing library network-
[ 1 of 10] Compiling Network.URI ( Network/URI.hs, dist/build/Network/URI.o )
Couldn't match expected type Char' with actual type
Expected type: GenParser Char () Char
Actual type: URIParser String
In the first argument of notFollowedBy', namely
In a stmt of a 'do' block: notFollowedBy regName
This is fixed in The reason is that we started to depend on Parsec-3 in, but didn't correctly give a lower bound.
Poor me is stuck in some crazy cabal loop where is required and is unacceptable (actually because it depends on Parsec-3.)
Looks like I'll be doing some XMPP library writing soon -- the excitement of programming in Haskell!!!
If you could change network to work with Parsec-2 (there's only a single
function that depends on Parsec-3) I'd be happy to accept that patch.
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Walt Askew wrote:
Poor me is stuck in some crazy cabal loop where is required and is unacceptable (actually because it depends on Parsec-3.)Looks like I'll be doing some XMPP library writing soon -- the excitement
of programming in Haskell!!!—
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@tibbe Now that hackage allows editing bounds, it looks like we could fix in place by requiring parsec > 3, right? We just had someone who ran into this issue. I could do it for you if you say it's ok.
Thanks! Done