
Examples of data structures and syntax that provide a cursory examination of Haskell syntax

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

syntax module

Welcome to the syntax module of the HaskellGuide study plan which is a syllabus that is uniquely tailored to those who learn by doing, rather than learn by reading. What makes HaskellGuide unique is the focus and care in ensuring your learning experience is buttery smooth.

No software installation will be required at any stage as we have integrated with the lovely folks at GitHub Education and GitPod to deliver you a world class experience. With HaskellGuide you'll learn faster and start authoring code sooner.

In this module you'll be introduced to functional programming concepts, the syntax of Haskell and you are provided with easy excercises to apply your learnings in a fully configured modern web-based IDE. We assume experience with programming but absolutely no exposure to functional programming concepts or Haskell.

If you experience any isues at all, please open a GitHub issue and leave feedback. We ❤️ contributions and pull-requests.


This learning module is a composition of work by Joachim Breitner which was sponsored by DFINITY Foundation and the CSIRO Data61 functional programming laboratory with much ️care sprinkled on top.

you can do this

Don't feel you aren't smart enough. Successful software engineers are smart, but many have an insecurity that they aren't smart enough. We have found through observation that this is especially true for when a new paradigm needs to be learned:

table of contents

On the other hand, less words will be spent on how to approach writing the program, e.g. how to set up your tooling, how to please Haskell’s layout rules, how to design your data type, which libraries to pick, how to read error messages. That said, we hope that even Haskell programmers will gain useful insight from tutorial.

Nevertheless it is hard to understand a programming paradigm without writing any code, so there will some amount of hands-on work to be done, especially early on, when we start with a introduction to basic functional programming.

I expect the audience to be familiar with programming and computer science in general, but do not assume prior knowledge of functional program (or, in case you are worried about this, category theory).

The exercises are all very small, in the order of minutes, and are meant to be done along the way, especially as later material may refer to their results. If you are reading this on your own and you really do not feel like doing them, you can click on the blurred solutions to at least read them. The exercises are not sufficient in number and depths to provide the reader the experience needed to really learn Haskell.

Some sections are marked with ★. These are optional in the sense that the following material does not rely heavily on them. If time is short, e.g. during a workshop, they can be skipped, and the participants can be invited to come back to them on their own.

the basics of functional programming

Functional program is the the art of thinking about data and how the new data is calculated from old data, rather than thinking about how to modify data.

numbers and arithmetic operators

The simplest form of data are numbers, and basic arithmetic is one way of creating new numbers from old numbers.

To play around with this, start the Haskell REPL (“read-eval-print-loop”) by running ghci (or maybe on tryhaskell.org), and enter some numbers, and some of the usual arithmetic operations:

$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.4.4: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Prelude> 1
Prelude> 1 + 1
Prelude> 2 + 3 * 4
Prelude> (2 + 3) * 4

At this point we can tell that the usual precedence rules apply (i.e. the PEMDAS rule).

Prelude> 0 - 1

Numbers can be negative…

Prelude> 2^10
Prelude> 2^2^10
Prelude> (2^2)^10

…and also very large. By default, Haskell uses arbitrary precision integer arithmetic. Note that for this lecture, we will completely avoid and ignore floating point arithmetic.

In the last example we can see that Haskell interprets a^b^c as a^(b^c), i.e. the power operator is right associative. It is worth noting that this information is not hard-coded in the compiler. Instead, when the operator is defined somewhere in a library, its associativity and precedence can be declared. We can ask the compiler about this information:

Prelude> :info (^)
(^) :: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a 	-- Defined in ‘GHC.Real’
infixr 8 ^

Let us ignore the first line (which is the type signature): The r in infixr tells us that the (^) operator is right-associative. And the number is the precedence; a higher number means that this operator binds more tightly.


What associativity do you expect for `(+)` and `(-)`? Verify your expectation. Both operator are left-associative, so that `10 - 2 + 3 - 4` means `((10 - 2) + 3) - 4` as expected.
Look up the precedences of the other arithmetic operations, and see how that corresponds to the PEMDAS rule. The precedences of `(+)` and `(-)` are the same, and smaller than the precedence of `(*)`, which is again shorter than the precedence of `(^)`.

applying functions

So far we have a calculator (which is not useless, I sometimes use ghci as a calculator). But to get closer to functional programming, let us look at some functions that are already available to use.

To stay within the realm of arithmetic (if only to have something to talk about), let us play with the div and mod functions. These do what you would expect from them:

Prelude> div 123 100
Prelude> mod 123 100

We observe that to apply a function, we just write the function, followed by the arguments; no parenthesis or commas needed. This not only makes for more elegant and less noise code; but there is also a very deep and beautiful reason for this, which we will come to later.

At this point, surely someone wants to know what happens when we divide by 0:

Prelude> div 123 0
*** Exception: divide by zero

Haskell has exceptions, they can even be caught etc., but let us talk about that later.

Of course, if the argument is not just a single number, we somehow have to make clear where the argument begins and ends:

Prelude> div (120 + 3) (10 ^ 2)

(If you leave out the parenthesis, you get a horrible error messages). In technical terms, we can say that function application behaves like a left-associative operator of highest precedence. But it is easier to just remember function application binds most tightly. (Exception: Record construction and update binds even more tightly, although some consider that a design flaw.)

Just to have more examples, here are two other functions that we can play around with:

Prelude> id 42
Prelude> const 23 42
Can you predict the result of the following?
Prelude> 1 + const 2 3 + 4

The answer is:

Prelude> 7

A note on syntactic sugar: Haskell is a high-calorie language: There is lots of syntactic sugar. Syntactic sugar refers to when there are alternative ways of writing something that look different, but behave the same. The goal is to allow the programmer to write the code in a way that best suits the reader, which is good, but it also means that a reader needs to know about the sugar.

Infix operator application (syntactic sugar): Functions that take two arguments can be written infix, as if they were an operator, by putting backticks around the name:

Prelude> 123 `div` 10
Prelude> 123 `mod` 10
Prelude> (120 + 3) `div` (10 ^ 2)
Prelude> (120 + 3) `div` 10 ^ 2
Prelude> ((120 + 3) `div` 10) ^ 2

We see that written as operators, even functions have an associativity and precedence:

Prelude> :info div
class (Real a, Enum a) => Integral a where
  div :: a -> a -> a
  	-- Defined in ‘GHC.Real’
infixl 7 `div`

Prefix operator application (syntactic sugar) ★: We can also go the other way, and use any operator as if it were a function, by wrapping it in parentheses:

Prelude> 1 + 1
Prelude> (+) 1 1

The dollar operator (non-syntactic sugar) ★: Consider an expression that takes a number, and applies a number of functions , maybe with arguments, to it, such as:

f5 (f4 (f3 (f2 (f1 42))))

Passing a piece of data through a number of functions is very common, and some (including me) greatly dislike the accumulation of parentheses there. Therefore, it is idiomatic to use the ($) operator:

f5 $ f4 $ f3 $ f2 $ f1 42

This operator takes a function as the first argument, an argument as the second argument, and applies the function to the argument. In that way, it is exactly the same as function application. But it is right-associative (instead of left-associative) and has the lowest precedence (instead of the highest precedence). An easier way of reading such code is to read ($) as “the same as parenthesis around the rest of the line”.

I call this non-syntactic sugar, because the dollar operator it is not part of the built-in language, but can be define by anyone.


What is the result of:
Prelude> (-) 5 $ div 16 $ (-) 10 $ 4 `div` 2
The result is:
Prelude> 3

booleans and branching

Some cryptographers might be happy to only write code that always does the same thing (yay, no side effects), but most of us pretty quickly want to write branching code.

As you would expect, Haskell has the usual operators to compare numbers:

Prelude> 1 + 1 == 2
Prelude> 4 < 5
Prelude> 4 >= 5
Prelude> 23 /= 42

We see that there are values True and False. We can combine them using the usual Boolean operators:

Prelude> 1 + 1 == 2 && 5 < 4
Prelude> 1 + 1 == 2 || 5 < 4

And finally, we can use if … then … else … to branch based on such a Boolean expression:

Prelude> if 5 < 0 then 0 else 1
Prelude> if -5 < 0 then 0 else 1

The use of if … then … else … is actually not the most idiomatic way to code decisions in Haskell, and we will come back to that point later, but for now it is good enough.

function abstraction

Assume you want to check a bunch of numbers as to whether they are multiples of 10 (so called “round numbers” in German). You can do that using mod and (==):

Prelude> 5 `mod` 10 == 0
Prelude> 10 `mod` 10 == 0
Prelude> 11 `mod` 10 == 0
Prelude> 20 `mod` 10 == 0
Prelude> -20 `mod` 10 == 0
Prelude> 123 `mod` 10 == 0

But this gets repetitive quickly. And whenever we program something in a repetitive way, we try to recognize the pattern and abstract over the changing parameter, leaving only the common parts

Here, the common pattern is x `mod` 10 == 0, with a parameter named x. We can give this pattern a name, and use it instead:

Prelude> isRound x = x `mod` 10 == 0
Prelude> isRound 5
Prelude> isRound 10
Prelude> isRound 11
Prelude> isRound 20
Prelude> isRound (-20)
Prelude> isRound 123

And now we are squarely in the realm of functional programming, as we have just defined out first function, isRound!

Note that we defined the isRound by way of an equation. And it really is an equation: Wherever we see isRound something, we can obtain its meaning by replacing it with something `mod` 10 == 0. This equational reasoning, where you replace equals by equals, is one key technique to make sense of Haskell programs.


Discuss: Think of other programming language that have concepts called functions. Can you always replace a function call with the function definition? Does it change the meaning of the program? TODO
Write a function `absoluteValue` with one parameter. If the parameter is negative, returns its opposite number, otherwise the number itself.
absoluteValue x = if x < 0 then - x else x
Write a function `isHalfRound` that checks if a number is divisible by 5, by checking whether the last digit is 0 or 5.
isHalfRound x = x `div` 10 == 0 || x `div` 10 == 5
Write a function `isEven` that checks if a number is divisible by 2, by checking whether the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.
isEven x = x `div` 10 == 0 || x `div` 10 == 2 || x `div` 10 == 4 || x `div` 10 == 6 || x `div` 10 == 8

Of course, you can abstract over more than one parameter. In the last exercise, you had to write something like x `div` 10 == y a lot. So it makes sense to abstract over that:

Prelude> hasLastDigit x y = x `div` 10 == y

This allows us to define isHalfRound as follows:

Prelude> isHalfRound x = x `hasLastDigit` 0 || x `hasLastDigit` 5

which, if you read it out, is almost a transliteration of the specification! Here we see how abstraction, together with good naming and syntax, can produce very clear and readable code.

Infix operator application again (syntactic sugar): By the way, you can use infix operator syntax already when defining a function:

x `divides` y = x `div` y == 0


We already saw that one function that we defined could call another. But the real power of general computation comes when a function can call itself, i.e. when we employ recursion. Recursion is a very fundamental technique in functional programming, much more so than loops or iterators or such.

Let us come up with a function that determines the number of digits in a given number. We first check if the number is already just one digit:

Prelude> countDigits n = if n < 10 then 1 else

At this point, we know that the number is larger than 10. So to count the digits, we would like to cut off one digit:

Prelude> countDigits n = if n < 10 then 1 else (n `div` 10)

and count the number of digits of that number

Prelude> countDigits n = if n < 10 then 1 else countDigits (n `div` 10)

and, of course, add one to that number:

Prelude> countDigits n = if n < 10 then 1 else countDigits (n `div` 10) + 1
Prelude> countDigits 0
Prelude> countDigits 5
Prelude> countDigits 10
Prelude> countDigits 11
Prelude> countDigits 99
Prelude> countDigits 100
Prelude> countDigits 1000
Prelude> countDigits (10^12345)

The fact that we can replace equals with equals does not change just because we use recursion. For example, we can figure out what countDigits 789 does by replacing equals with equals:

  countDigits 789
= if 789 < 10 then 1 else countDigits (789 `div` 10) + 1
= if False then 1 else countDigits (789 `div` 10) + 1
= countDigits (789 `div` 10) + 1
= countDigits 78 + 1
= (if 78 < 10 then 1 else countDigits (78 `div` 10) + 1) + 1
= (if False then 1 else countDigits (78 `div` 10) + 1) + 1
= (countDigits (78 `div` 10) + 1) + 1
= (countDigits 7 + 1) + 1
= ((if 7 < 10 then 1 else countDigits (7 `div` 10) + 1) + 1) + 1
= ((if True then 1 else countDigits (7 `div` 10) + 1) + 1) + 1
= (1 + 1) + 1
= 2 + 1
= 3
Write the function `sumDigits` that sums up the digits of a natural number.
sumDigits n = if n < 10 then n else sumDigits (n `div` 10) + (n `mod` 10)

higher-order functions

We created functions when we took expressions that followed a certain pattern, and abstracted over a number that occurred therein. But the thing we can abstract over does not have to be just a simple number. It could also be a function!

Consider the task of calculating the number of digits in the number of digits of a number:

Prelude> countDigits (countDigits 5)
Prelude> countDigits (countDigits 10)
Prelude> countDigits (countDigits (10^10))
Prelude> countDigits (countDigits (10^123))
Prelude> countDigits (countDigits (15^15))

Clearly, we can abstract over the argument here:

Prelude> countCountDigits n = countDigits (countDigits n)
Prelude> countCountDigits (10^123)

But now consider we also want sumSumDigits:

Prelude> sumSumDigits n = sumDigits (sumDigits n)
Prelude> sumSumDigits (9^9)
Prelude> sumSumDigits (7^7)
Prelude> sumSumDigits (13^13)
Prelude> sumSumDigits (15^15)

There is clearly a pattern that is shared by both countCountDigits and sumSumDigits: They both apply a function twice. And indeed, we can abstract over that pattern:

Prelude> twice f x = f (f x)
Prelude> twice countDigits (15^15)
Prelude> twice sumDigits (15^15)

This is our first higher order function, and it is called so because it is a function that take another function as an argument. More precisely, it is called a second-order function, because it takes a normal, i.e. first-order function, as an argument. Abstracting over a second order function yields a third order function, and so on. Up to sixth-order functions are seen in the wild.

If you look at the last two lines, we again see a common pattern. And abstracting over that, we recover very nice and declarative definitions for countCountDigits and sumSumDigits:

Prelude> countCountDigits x = twice countDigits x
Prelude> sumSumDigits x = twice sumDigits x

The ability to abstract very easily over functions is an important ingredient in making Haskell so excellent at abstraction: It allows to abstract over behavior, instead merely over value. To demonstrate that, let us recall the definitions of countDigits and someDigits:

Prelude> countDigits n = if n < 10 then 1 else countDigits (n `div` 10) + 1
Prelude> sumDigits n = if n < 10 then n else sumDigits (n `div` 10) + (n `mod` 10)

These two functions share something: They share a behavior! Both iterate over the digits of the function, do something at each digit, and sum something up. And this common functionality is not trivial! So it is very unsatisfying to copy’n’paste it, like we did. So how can we abstract over the parts that differ? It is not obvious on first glance, so go through it step by step, lets give the parts that differ names. For countDigits, we ignore the digit, and just sum up ones:

Prelude> always1 n = 1
Prelude> countDigits n = if n < 10 then always1 n else countDigits (n `div` 10) + always1 (n `mod` 10)

And for sumDigits, we use the digit as is. And we have already seen a function that just returns its argument, the identity function:

Prelude> sumDigits n = if n < 10 then id n else sumDigits (n `div` 10) + id (n `mod` 10)

Now the common pattern is clear, and we can abstract over the different parts:

Prelude> sumDigitsWith f n = if n < 10 then f n else sumDigitsWith f (n `div` 10) + f (n `mod` 10)
Prelude> countDigits n = sumDigitsWith always1 n
Prelude> sumDigits n = sumDigitsWith id n

To recapitulate: We took two functions that were doing somehow related things, and we rewrote them to clearly separate the common parts from the differing parts, and then we could extract the shared essence into its own, higher-order function.

This single mechanism -- abstracting over functions -- can replace thick volumes full of design patterns in non-functional programming paradigms.

Note that if one would have to abstract countDigits and sumDigits to sumDigitsWith in practice, one would probably not rewrite them first with id etc., but just look at them and come up with sumDigitsWith directly.


Write a (recursive) function `fixEq` so that `fixEq f x` repeatedly applies `f` to `x` until the result does not change.
fixEq f x = if f x == x then x else fixEq f (f x)
Use this function and `countDigits` to write a function `isMultipleOf3` so that `isMultipleOf3 x` is true if repeatedly applying `countDigits` to `x` results in 3 or 9.
isMultipleOf3 x = fixEq sumDigits x == 3 || fixEq sumDigits x == 6 || fixEq sumDigits x == 9

anonymous functions

We defined a function always1, but it seems a bit silly to give a name to such a specialized and small concept. Therefore, Haskell allows us to define anonymous functions on the fly. The syntax is a backslash, followed by the parameter (or parameters), followed by the body of the function. So we can define countDigits and sumDigits without any helper functions like this:

Prelude> countDigits n = sumDigitsWith (\d -> 1) n
Prelude> sumDigits n = sumDigitsWith (\d -> d) n

These are also called lambda abstractions, because they are derived from the Lambda calculus, and the backslash is a poor imitation of the Greek letter lambda (λ).

higher-order function definition

Lets look at the previous two definitions, and remember that when we define a function this way, we define what to replace the left-hand side with. But notice that the argument n is not touched at all by this definition! So we should get the same result if we simply omit it from the equation, right? And indeed, we can just as well write

Prelude> countDigits = sumDigitsWith (\d -> 1)
Prelude> sumDigits = sumDigitsWith (\d -> d)

It looks as if we just saved two characters. But what really just happened is that we shifted our perspective, and raised the level of abstraction by one layer. Instead of defining a countDigits as a function that takes a number and produces another number, we have defined countDigits as the result of instantiating the pattern sumDigitsWith with the function (\d -> 1). At this level of thought, we do not care about the argument to countDigits, i.e. what it is called or so.


Which other recent definitions can be changed accordingly?

The definitions for countCountDigits and sumSumDigits:

Prelude> countCountDigits = twice countCountDigits
Prelude> sumSumDigits = twice sumDigits


We have already seen functions that receive a function as an argument. The way we use twice or sumDigitsWith here, we can think of them as a function that return functions. And this brings us to the deep and beautiful explanation we write multiple arguments to functions the way we do: Because really, every function only ever has one argument, and returns another one.

We can think of twice has having two arguments (the function f, and the value x), but really, twice is a function that takes one argument (the function f), and returns another function, that then takes the value x. This “other” function is what we named in the above definition of sumSumDigits.

the composition operator ★

Because writing code that passes functions around and modifies them (like in twice or sumDigitsWith) is so important in this style of programming, I should at this point introduce the composition operator. It is already pre-defined, but we can define it ourselves:

Prelude> (f . g) x = f (g x)

The dot is a poor approximation of the mathematical symbol for function composition, “∘”, and can be read as “f after g”. Note x is passed to g first, and then the result to f.

It looks like a pretty vacuous definition, but it is very useful in writing high-level code. For example, it allows us the following, nicely abstract definition of twice:

Prelude> twice f = f . f

Do you remember the example we used when introducing the dollar operator? We started with

f5 (f4 (f3 (f2 (f1 42))))

and rewrote it to

f5 $ f4 $ f3 $ f2 $ f1 42

Now imagine we want to abstract over 42:

many_fs x = f5 (f4 (f3 (f2 (f1 x))))

This function really is just the composition of a bunch of function. So an idiomatic way of writing it would be

many_fs  = f5 . f4 . f3 . f2 . f1

where again, the actual value is no longer the emphasis, but rather the functions.

The value x is sometimes called the point (as in geometry), and this style of programming is called points-free (or sometimes pointless).

laziness ★

As a final bit in this section, let’s talk about laziness. Most often this can be ignored when reading Haskell code, and in general laziness is not as important (or as bad) as some people say it is. But it plays an important role in Haskell’s support for abstraction, so let’s briefly look at it.

Laziness means that an expression is evaluated as late as possible, i.e. when it is needed to make a branching decision, or when it is to be printed on the screen. We can only observe when things are being evaluated when we have side-effects, and the only side effects we can produce so far are non-termination and exceptions. So let us use division by zero to observe that the first argument to const is used, but the second one is not:

Prelude> 0 `div` 0
*** Exception: divide by zero
Prelude> const (0 `div` 0) 1
*** Exception: divide by zero
Prelude> const 1 (0 `div` 0)

To see why this is so crucial for abstraction, consider the following two functions that implement a safe version of div and mod that just returns 0 if the user tries to divide by 0:

Prelude> x `safeDiv` y = if y == 0 then 0 else x `div` y
Prelude> x `safeMod` y = if y == 0 then 0 else x `mod` y
Prelude> 10 `safeDiv` 5
Prelude> 10 `safeDiv` 0

Clearly, the definitions of safeDiv and safeMod share a pattern. So let us extract the pattern “if y is zero then return zero else do something else”:

Prelude> unlessZero y z = if y == 0 then 0 else z
Prelude> x `safeDiv` y = unlessZero y (x `div` y)
Prelude> x `safeMod` y = unlessZero y (x `mod` y)
Prelude> 10 `safeDiv` 5
Prelude> 10 `safeDiv` 0

So that works. But it only works because Haskell is lazy. Consider what would happen in a strict language, where expressions are evaluated before passed to a function:

  10 `safeDiv` 0
= unlessZero 0 (10 `div` 0)
= unlessZero 0 (*** Exception: divide by zero

Only with laziness can we easily abstract not only over computations, but even over control flow, and create our own control flow constructs -- simply as higher-order functions!

In fact, even if … then … else could just be a normal function with three parameters, defined somewhere in the standard library. The fact that there is special syntax for it is pure convenience -- which, again, is not the case in strict languages.


In the first section, we have seen how functional programming opens the way to abstraction, and to condense independent concerns into separate pieces of code. This is a very powerful tool for modularity, and to focus on the relevant part of a problem, while keeping the bookkeeping out of sight. But powerful is also dangerous -- using a higher order function correctly without any aid, can be mind-bending.

Whenever we write functions like in the previous section, we have an idea in our head about what their arguments are -- are they just numbers, or are they functions, and what kind of functions -- and what they return. It is obvious to us that writing twice isEven does not make sense, because isEven returns True or False, but expects a number, so it cannot be applied to itself.

This is all simple and obvious, but it is a lot to keep in your head as the code grows larger, and even more so once the code is changing and there are more people working on it. So to keep this power and complexity manageable, Haskell has a strong static type system, which is essentially a way for you to communicate with the compiler about these ideas you have in your head. You can ask the compiler “what do you know about this function? what can it take, what kind of things does it return?”. And you can tell the compiler “this function ought to take this and return that (and please tell me if you disagree)”.

In fact, many Haskellers prefer to do type-driven development: First think about and write down the type of the function they need to create, and then think about implementing them.

Besides communicating with the compiler, types are also crucial in communicating with your fellow developers and/or users of your API. For many functions, the type alone, or the type and the name, is sufficient to tell you what it does.

tooling interlude: Editing files ★

At this point, we should switch from working exclusively in the REPL to writing an actual Haskell file. We can start by creating a file Types.hs, and put in the code from the previous section:

isRound x = x `mod` 10 == 0
hasLastDigit x y = x `div` 10 == y
isHalfRound x = x `hasLastDigit` 0 || x `hasLastDigit` 5
x `divides` y = x `div` y == 0
twice f x = f (f x)
countCountDigits x = twice countDigits x
sumSumDigits x = twice sumDigits x
sumDigitsWith f n = if n < 10 then f n else sumDigitsWith f (n `div` 10) + f (n `mod` 10)
countDigits = sumDigitsWith (\d -> 1)
sumDigits = sumDigitsWith (\d -> d)
fixEq f x = if f x == x then x else fixEq f (f x)
isMultipleOf3 x = fixEq sumDigits x == 3 || fixEq sumDigits x == 6 || fixEq sumDigits x == 9

We can load this file into ghci by either starting it with ghci Types.hs or by typing :load Types.hs. After you change and save the file, you can reload with :reload (or simply :r)

Basic types

As I mentioned before, you can chat with the compiler about the types of things, and ask what it thinks they are. We can do that with the :type (or :t) command:

*Main> :t sumDigits
sumDigits :: Integer -> Integer

Here, GHC tells us the type of sumDigits, in the form of a type annotation, i.e. a term (sumDigits) followed by two colons, followed by its type. The type itself tells us that sumDigits is a function (as indicated by the arrow) that takes an Integer as an argument and returns an Integer as a result. Which greatly matches our expectation!

Instead of asking GHC for the type, we can also specify it, simply by adding the line

sumDigits :: Integer -> Integer

to the file (commonly directly above the function definition, rarely all bundled up in the beginning).

If we insert a type annotation that does not match what we wrote in the code, for example, if we added

isRound :: Integer -> Integer

we would get an error message like

types.hs:2:13: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Integer’ with actual type ‘Bool’
    • In the expression: x `mod` 10 == 0
      In an equation for ‘isRound’: isRound x = x `mod` 10 == 0
2 | isRound x = x `mod` 10 == 0
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Note that the compiler believes the type signature, and complains about the code, not the other way around.

The error message mentions a type Bool which, as you can guess, is the type of Boolean expressions, e.g. True and False. With this knowledge, we can write the correct type signature for isRound:

isRound :: Integer -> Bool


Let us consider twice for a moment, and think about what expect from its type. It is a function that takes two arguments, the and the first ought to be a function itself... and here is how GHC writes this:

*Main> :t twice
twice :: (t -> t) -> t -> t

From this example, we learn that

  • the type of functions with multiple arguments is written using multiple arrows,
  • the function arrow can just as occur inside an argument, namely when an argument itself is a function.

But what is this type t? There is not, actually, a type called t. Instead, this is a type variable, meaning that the function twice can be used with any type. Any lower-case identifier in a type is a type variable (not just t), and concrete types are always upper-case.

Here we can see that we can use twice with numbers, Booleans, and even with functions:

*Main> twice countDigits (99^99)
*Main> twice not True
*Main> twice twice countDigits (99^99)

What does not work is passing a function to twice that works on numbers, but then pass a Bool:

*Main> twice countDigits True

<interactive>:12:19: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Integer’ with actual type ‘Bool’
    • In the second argument of ‘twice’, namely ‘True’
      In the expression: twice countDigits True
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = twice countDigits True

In other words: The ts in the type of twice can become any type, but it has the be the same type everywhere.

::: Exercise What do you think is the type of id? :::

::: Solution

id :: a -> a


If we ask for the type of the function const, we see two different type variables:

*Main> :t const
const :: a -> b -> a

And here we can indeed instantiate them at different types:

*Main> :t const True 1
const True 1 :: Bool

Constrained types (a first glimpse)

There are more polymorphic functions in our initial set, for example fixEq:

*Main> :t fixEq
fixEq :: Eq t => (t -> t) -> t -> t

The part after the => is what we expect: two arguments, the first a function, all the same types, just like with twice. The part before the => is new: It is a constraint, and it limits which types t can be instantiated with. Remember that fixEq uses (==) to check if the value has stabilized. But not all values can be compared for equality! (In particular, functions cannot). So fixEq does not work with any type, but only those that support equality. This is what Eq t indicates, and indeed we get an error message when we try to do it wrongly:

*Main> fixEq twice not True

<interactive>:27:1: error:
    • No instance for (Eq (Bool -> Bool)) arising from a use of ‘fixEq’
        (maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?)
    • In the expression: fixEq twice not True
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = fixEq twice not True

This Eq thing is not some built-in magic, but rather a type class, another very powerful and important feature of Haskell, which we will dive into separately later.

Other functions in our list are polymorphic where we may not have expected it:

*Main> :t sumDigitsWith
sumDigitsWith :: (Integral a1, Num a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> a1 -> a2

This is not the type we might have expected! This is because Haskell supports different numeric types, and uses type classes to overload the numeric operations. But remember that typing is a conversation: We can simply tell GHC that we want a different (more specific) type for sumDigitsWith, by adding

sumDigitsWith :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer

to our file. In fact, in practice one always writes full type signatures for all top-level definitions, so this should be less of a problem for Haskell readers.


One obvious use for such polymorphism is to write code once, and use it at different types. But there is another great advantage of polymorphic functions, even if we only ever intend to instantiate the type variables with the same type, and that is reasoning by parametricity.

In a function with a polymorphic type like twice there is not a lot we can do with the parameters. Sure, we can apply f to x, and maybe apply f more than once. But that is just about all we can do: Because x can have an arbitrary type, we cannot do arithmetic with it, we cannot print it, we cannot even compare it to other values of type x.

This severely restricts what twice can do at all … but on the other hand means that just from looking at the type signature of twice we already know a lot about what it does.

A very simple example for that is the function id, with type a -> a. Any function of this type will either

  • return its argument (i.e. be the identity function),
  • return never (i.e. go into an infinite loop), or
  • raise an exception.

::: Exercise A great example for the power of polymorphism is the following type signature:

(a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c

There is a function of that type in the standard library. Can you tell what it does? Can you guess its name? You can use a type-based search engine like Hoogle to find the function. :::

::: Solution It is the function flip that takes a function and swaps its first two arguments. :::

Algebraic data types

The function type is very expressive, and one can model many data structures purely with functions. But of course it is more convenient to use dedicated data structures. There are a number of data structure types that come with the standard library, in particular tuples, lists, the Maybe type. But it is more instructive to start defining our own.

We can declare new data types using the data keyword, the name of the type, the = sign, and then a list of constructors.


In the simplest case, we can use this to declare an enumeration type:

data Suit = Diamonds | Clubs | Hearts | Spades

From now on, we can use the constructors, e.g. Diamonds as values of type Suit. This is how we create values of type Suit -- and it is the only way, so we know that every value of type Suit is, indeed, one of these four constructors.

When we have a value of type Suit then the only thing we can really do with it is to find out which of these four constructors it actually is. The way to do that is using pattern matching, for example using the case … of … syntax:

isRed :: Suit -> Bool
isRed s = case s of
  Diamonds -> True
  Hearts -> True
  _ -> False

The expression case e of … evaluates the scrutinee e, and then linearly goes through the list of cases. If the value of the scrutinee matches the pattern left of the arrow, the whole expression evaluates to the right-hand side. We see two kinds of patterns here: Constructor patterns like Diamonds, which match simply when the value is the constructor, and the wildcard pattern, written as an underscore, which matches any value.

It is common to immediately pattern match on the parameter of a function, so Haskell supports pattern-matching directly in the function definition:

isRed :: Suit -> Bool
isRed Diamonds = True
isRed Hearts = True
isRed _ = False

The type Bool that we have already used before is nothing else but one of these enumeration types, defined as

data Bool = False | True

and we could do without if … then … else … by pattern-matching on Bool:

ifThenElse :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
ifThenElse True x y = x
ifThenElse False x y = y

the only reason to have if … then … else … is that it is a bit more readable.

Constructor with parameters

So far, the constructors were just plain values. But we can also turn them into “containers” of sort, where we can store other values. As an basic example, maybe we want to introduce complex numbers:

data Complex = C Integer Integer

(Mathematically educated readers please excuse the use of Integers here).

This creates a new type Complex, with a constructor C. But C itself is not a value of type Complex, but rather it is a function that creates values of type Complex and, crucially, it is the only way of creating values of type Complex. We can ask for the type of C and see that it is indeed just a function:

Prelude> :t C
C :: Integer -> Integer -> Complex

so it should be clear how to use it:

origin :: Complex
origin = C 0 0

Again, and as always, the way to use a complex number is by pattern matching. This time we use pattern matching not to distinguish different cases -- every Complex is a C -- but to extract the parameters of the constructor:

addC :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
addC (C x1 y1) (C x2 y2) = C (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2)

The parameter in a pattern -- the x1 here -- can itself be a pattern, for example 0 (which matches only the number 0), or underscore:

isReal :: Complex -> Bool
isReal (C 0 _) = True
isReal _ = False

A type like Complex, with exactly one constructor, is called a product type. But we can of course have types with more than one constructor and constructor arguments:

data Riemann = Complex Complex | Infinity

This declares a new type Riemann that can be built using one of these two constructors:

  1. The constructor Complex, which takes one argument, of type Complex. Types and terms (including constructors) have different namespaces, so we can have a type called Complex, and a constructor called Complex, and they can be completely independent. This can be confusing, but is rather idiomatic.

    The type of Complex shows that we can use it as a function, to create a point of the Riemann sphere from a complex number:

    Prelude> :t Complex
    Complex :: Complex -> Riemann
  2. The constructor Infinity takes no arguments, and simply is a value of type Riemann itself.

When we pattern match on a value of type Riemann, we learn whether it was created using Complex or Infinity, and in the former case, we also get the complex number passed to it:

addR :: Riemann -> Riemann -> Riemann
addR (Complex c1) (Complex c2) = Complex (c1 `add` c2)
addR Infinity _  = Infinity
addR _ Infinity  = Infinity

A data type that has more than one constructor is commonly called a sum type. So these data types are built from sums and products, and hence are called algebraic data types (ADTs).

Recursive data types

It it worth pointing out that it is completely fine to haven a constructor argument of the type that we are currently defining. This way, we obtain a recursive data type, and this is the foundation for many important data structures, in particular lists and trees of various sorts. Here is a simple example, a binary tree with numbers on all internal nodes:

data Tree = Leaf | Node Integer Tree Tree

Again, this can be read as “a value of type Tree is either a Leaf, or it is a Node that contains a value of type Integer and references to two subtrees.”

There is nothing particularly interesting about constructing such a tree (use Leaf and Node) and traversing it (use pattern matching). Here is a piece of idiomatic code that inserts a new number into a tree:

insert :: Integer -> Tree -> Tree
insert x Leaf = Node x Leaf Leaf
insert x (Node y t1 t2)
    | y < x     = Node y t1 (insert x t2)
    | otherwise = Node y (insert x t1) t2

This code shows a new, syntactic feature: Pattern guards! These are Boolean expressions that you can use to further restrict when a case is taken. The third case in this function definition is only used if y < x, otherwise the following cases are tried. Of course this could be written using if … then … else …, but the readability and aesthetics are better with pattern guards. The value otherwise is simply True, but this reads better.

Polymorphic data types

The tree data type declared in the previous section ought to be useful not just for integers, but maybe for any type. But it would be seriously annoying to have to create a new tree data type for each type we want to store in the tree. Therefore, we haven have polymorphic data types. In the example of the tree, we can write:

data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

You may remember that the a here ought to be a type variable, because it occurs in the place of a type, but is lower-case. When we want to use this tree data type at a concrete type, say Integer, we simply write Tree Integer:

insert :: Integer -> Tree Integer -> Tree Integer

The actual code of the function does not change.

We can also write functions that work on polymorphic trees, i.e. which we can use on any Tree, no matter what type the values in the nodes are. A good example is:

size :: Tree a -> Integer
size Leaf = 0
size (Node _ t1 t2) = 1 + size t1 + size t2

Again, parametricity makes the type signature of such a function more useful than it seems at first: Just from looking at the type signature of size we know that this function does not look at the values stored in the nodes. Together with the name, that is really all the documentation we might need. Compare this to size :: Tree Integer -> Integer -- now it could just as well be that this function includes the number stored in the node in the result somehow.

Functions in data types ★

Maybe this is obvious to you, after the emphasis on functions in the first chapter, but it is still worth pointing out that data type can also store functions. This blurs the distinction between data and code some more, as this nice example shows:

data Stream a b
    = NeedInput (a -> Stream a b)
    | HasOutput b (Stream a b)
    | Done

The type Stream a b models a state machine that consumes values of type a, produces values of type b, and maybe eventually stops. Such a machine is in one of three states:

  1. Waiting for input. This uses the NeedInput constructor, which carries a function that consumes a type of value a and returns the new state of the machine.
  2. Producing output. This uses the HasOutput constructor, which stores the output value of type b, and the subsequent state of the machine.
  3. Done.

We can create a state machine that does run-length encoding this way. This one does not ever stop, but that’s fine:

rle :: Eq a => Stream a (Integer,a)
rle = NeedInput rle_start

rle_start :: Eq a => a -> Stream a (Integer, a)
rle_start x = NeedInput (rle_count x 1)

rle_count :: Eq a => a -> Integer -> a -> Stream a (Integer, a)
rle_count x n x' | x == x' = NeedInput (rle_count x (n + 1))
                 | otherwise = HasOutput (n, x) (rle_start x')

Predefined data types

We intentionally discussed the mechanisms of algebraic data types first, so that we can explain the most common data types in the standard library easily.

Booleans ★

As mentioned before, the values True and False are simply the constructors of a data type defined as

data Bool = False | True

There is nothing magic about the definition of Bool. But this type plays a special role because of the if … then … else … construct, and because of the pattern guards seen before.


A very common use case for algebraic data types is to capture the idea of a type whose values “maybe contain nothing, or just a value of type a”. Because this is so common, such a data type is predefined:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

You might see Maybe, for example, in the return type of a function that deserializes a binary or textual representation of a type, for example:

parseFoo :: String -> Maybe Foo

Such an operation can fail, and if the input is invalid, it would return Nothing. As a user of such a function, the only way to get to the value of type a therein is to pattern-match on the result, which forces me to think about and handle the case where the result is Nothing.

This is much more robust than the common idiom in C, where you have to remember to check for particular error values (-1, or NULL), or Go, where you get both a result and a separate error code, but you can still be lazy and use the result without checking the error code.

A big part of Haskell’s reputation as a language that makes it easier to write correct code relies on the use of data types to precisely describe the values you are dealing with.

::: Exercise How many values are there of type Maybe (Maybe Bool). When can it be useful to nest Maybe in that way? :::

::: Solution There are four: Nothing, Just Nothing, Just False and Just True. It can be useful if, for example, the outer Maybe indicates whether some input was valid, whereas Just Nothing could indicate that the input was valid, but empty. But arguably this is not best practice, and dedicated data types with more speaking names could be preferred here. :::


With maybe we can express “one or none”. Sometimes we want “one or another” type. For this, the standard library provides

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

Commonly, this type is used for computations that can fail, but that provide some useful error messages when they fail:

parseFoo :: String -> Either ParseError Foo

This gives us the same robustness benefits of Maybe, but also a more helpful error messages. If used in this way, then the Left value is always used for the error or failure case, and the Right value for when everything went all right.


Imagine you are writing a function that wants to return two numbers -- say, the last digit the rest of the number. The way to do that that you know so far would require defining a data type:

data TwoIntegers = TwoIntegers Integer Integer
splitLastDigit :: Integer -> TwoIntegers
splitLastDigit n = TwoIntegers (n `div` 10) (n `mod` 10)

Clearly, the concept of “passing around two values together“ is not particularly tied to Integer, and we can use polymorphism to generalize this definition:

data Two a b = Two a b
splitLastDigit :: Integer -> Two Integer Integer
splitLastDigit n = Two (n `div` 10) (n `mod` 10)

And because this is so useful, Haskell comes with built-in support for such pairs, including a nice and slim syntax:

data (a,b) = (a,b) -- morally this is how it is defined
splitLastDigit :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
splitLastDigit n = (n `div` 10, n `mod` 10)

Besides tuples, which store two values, there are triples, quadruples and, in general, n-tuples of any size you might encounter. But really, if these tuples get larger than two or three, the code starts to smell.

Their size is always fixed and statically known at compile time, and you can have values of different types as components of the tuple. This distinguishes them from the lists we will see shortly.

::: Exercise How could you represent the Riemann numbers from the previous section using only these predefined data types? :::

::: Solution

Maybe (Integer, Integer)


Useful predefined functions related to tuples are

fst :: (a,b) -> a
snd :: (a,b) -> b

and because of their type I do not have to tell you what they do.

The unit type

There is also a zero-tuple, so to say: The unit type written () with only the value ():

data () = () -- morally this is how it is defined

While this does not look very useful yet, we will see that it plays a crucial role later. Until then, you can think of it as a good choice when we have something polymorphic, but we do not actually need an “interesting” type there.

::: Exercise Write functions fromEitherUnit :: Either () a -> Maybe a and toEitherUnit :: Maybe a -> Either () a that are inverses to each other. In one of these type signatures you can replace () with a new type variable b, and still implement the function. In which one? Why? :::

::: Solution

fromEitherUnit :: Either () a -> Maybe a
fromEitherUnit (Left ()) = Nothing
fromEitherUnit (Right x) = Just x

toEitherUnit :: Maybe a -> Either () a
toEitherUnit Nothing = Left ()
toEitherUnit (Just x) = Right x

We can make fromEitherUnit more polymorphic; it can simply ignore the argument to Left. We cannot do this in toEitherUnit: we would not have a value of type b at hand to pass to Left. :::


In the previous section we defined trees using a recursive data type. It should be obvious that we can define lists in a very analogous way:

data List a = Empty | Link a (List a)

This data structure is so ubiquitous in functional programming that it not only comes with the standard library, it also has very special, magic syntax:

data [a] = [] | a : [a]

In words: The type [a] is the type of lists with values of type a. Such a list is either the empty list, written as [], or it is a non-empty list containing of a head x of type a, and a tail xs, and is written as x:xs. Note that the constructor (:), called “cons”, is using operator syntax.

There is more special syntax for lists:

  1. Finite lists can be written as [1, 2, 3] instead of 1 : 2 : 3 : [].
  2. Lists of numbers can be enumerated, e.g. [1..10], or [0,2..10], or even (due to laziness) [1..].
  3. List comprehensions look like [ (x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys, x < y ], reminiscent of the set comprehension syntax from mathematics. We will not discuss them now, I just wanted to show them and tell you what to search for.

Common operations on lists worth knowing are (++) to concatenate two lists.

Lists are very useful for many applications, but they are not a particularly high-performance data structure -- random access and concatenation is expensive, and they use quite a bit of memory. Depending on the application, other types like arrays/vectors, finger trees, difference lists might be more suitable.

Characters and strings ★

Unexpectedly, Haskell has built-in support for characters and text. A single character has type Char, and is written in single quotes, e.g. 'a', '☃', '\'', '\0', '\xcafe'. These character are Unicode code points, and not just 7 or 8 bit characters.

The built-in type String is just an alias for [Char], i.e. a list of characters. Haskell supports special built-in syntax for strings, using double quotes, but this is just syntactic sugar to the list syntax:

Prelude> "hello"
Prelude> ['h','e','l','l','o']
Prelude> 'h':'e':'l':'l':'o':[]

Because String is built on the list type, all the usual list operations, in particular ++ for concatenation, work on strings as well.

But String also has the same performance issues as lists: While it is fine to use them in non-critical parts of the code (diagnostic and error messages, command line and configuration file parsing, filenames), String is usually the wrong choice if large amounts of strings need to be processed, e.g. in a templating library. Additionally libraries provide more suitable data structures, in particular ByteString for binary data and Text for human-readable text.

Records ★

Assume you want to create a type that represents an employee in a HR database. There are a fair number of field to store -- name, date of birth, employee number, room, login handle, public key etc. You could use a tuple with many fields, or create your own data type with a constructor with many fields, but either way you will have to address the various fields by their position, which is verbose, easy to get wrong, and hard to extend.

In such a case, you can use records. These allow you to give names to the field of a constructor, and get some convenience functions along the way. The syntax to declare the record is

data Employee = Employee
    { name :: String
    , room :: Integer
    , pubkey :: ByteString

In terms of the constructor Employee, this is equivalent to

data Employee = Employee String Integer ByteString

and it is always possible to use Employee as a normal prefix function in terms and patterns. But the record syntax declaration enables the following nicer syntaxes:

  1. Record creation: Instead of Employee n r p you can write Employee { name = n; room = r; pubkey = p }, and of course the order of the fields is irrelevant.

  2. Record pattern matching. You can also write Employee { name = n; room = r; pubkey = p } in a pattern, to match on Employee and get n, r and p into scope.

  3. Record update syntax: If we have e :: Employee, then e { room = r' } is like an Employee and all fields are the same as e with the exception of room.

  4. The names of the fields are available as getters, i.e. after the above definition of Employee, there is a function name :: Employee -> String etc.

Curiously, the record creation or update syntax binds closer than function applications: g x { f = y } is g (x { f = y }), and not (g x) { f = y }.

With the language extension RecordWildCards enabled, it is even possible to write Employee{..} in a pattern, and get all fields of the employee record into scope, as variables, as if one had written Employee { name = name; room = room; pubkey = pubkey }.

Newtypes ★

Sometimes you will see a type declaration that uses newtype instead of data:

newtype Riemann = Riemann (Maybe (Integer, Integer))

For all purposes relevant to us so far you can mentally replace newtype with data. There are difference in memory representation (a newtype is “free” in some sense), but none that relevant at our current level.

Type synonyms ★

Haskell allows you to introduce new names for existing types. One example is the type String, which is defined as

type String = [Char]

With this declaration, you can use String instead of [Char] in your type signatures. They are completely interchangeable, and a value of type String is still just a list of characters.

So type synonyms do not introduce any kind of type safety, they merely make types more readable.

Haddock ★

Because knowing the type of a function is already a big step towards understanding what it does, the usual way of documenting a Haskell API is very much centered around types. The tool haddock creates HTML pages from Haskell source files that list all functions with their type, and -- if present -- the documentation that is attached to it via a comment.

For Haskell libraries hosted in the central package repository Hackage, this documentation is also provided. For example, you can learn all about the types and functions that are available by default by reading the haddock page for the prelude. (There is a bunch of noise there that might not be relevant to you, like long lists of “Instances”. You can skip over them.)

From this documentation you will also find links labeled “Source” that take you to the definition of a type or function in the source code, in a syntax-highlighted and crosslinked presentation of the source.

Code structure small and large

The next big topic we need to learn about are the ways with which the programmer structures the code. This happens on multiple levels

  • in a function: intermediate results are named, local helper functions are defined.
  • within a file: functions, type signatures, and documentation is arranged.
  • within a project (library, package): code is spread out in different files,and imported from other files.
  • between projects: packages are versioned, equipped with meta-data, and depend on each other.


The most basic way of adding some structure within an expression is to give a name to a subexpression, and possibly use it later. So instead of

isMultipleOf3 x = fixEq sumDigits x == 3 || fixEq sumDigits x == 6 || fixEq sumDigits x == 9

one could write

isMultipleOf3 x =
  let y = fixEq sumDigits x
  in y == 3 || y == 6 || y == 9

which is arguably easier to read.

Be careful: A let expression in Haskell can always be recursive, so

isMultipleOf3 x =
  let x = fixEq sumDigits x
  in x == 3 || x == 6 || x == 9

does not work as expected.

In such a let expression, you can also do pattern-matching, e.g. to unpack a tuple:

sumDigitsWith :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
sumDigitsWith f n
  | n < 10 = f n
  | otherwise =
    let (r,d) = splitLastDigit n
    in sumDigitsWith f r + f d

This is a fine and innocent thing to do if the pattern is irrefutable, i.e. always succeeds, but is a code smell if it is a pattern that can fail, e.g. Just x = something. In the latter case, a case statement might be more appropriate.

We can also define whole functions in a let-expression, just like on the top level. This might improve the code of our run-length-encoding automaton:

rle :: Eq a => Stream a (Integer,a)
rle =
  let start x = NeedInput (count x 1)
      count x n x' | x == x' = NeedInput (count x (n + 1))
                       | otherwise = HasOutput (n, x) (start x')
  in NeedInput start

One advantage of this is that the “internal” functions start and count are now no longer available from the outside, and so a reader of this code knows for sure that these are purely internal. We can also drop the rle_ prefix.

Another important advantage is that such local functions have access to the parameters of the enclosing function. To see this in action, let us extend rle with a parameter that indicates a element of the stream that should make the automaton stop:

rle :: Eq a => a -> Stream a (Integer,a)
rle stop =
  let start x | x == stop = Done
              | otherwise = NeedInput (count x 1)
      count x n x' | x == x' = NeedInput (count x (n + 1))
                   | otherwise = HasOutput (n, x) (start x')
  in NeedInput start

In start we can now access stop just fine. If start and count were not local functions, then we would have to add stop as an explicit parameter to both local functions, significantly cluttering the code with administrative details.

where-clauses ★

I think few syntactic features show that Haskell’s syntax is designed with readability in mind, valuing that higher than syntactic minimalism, as well as the where clauses.

Looking the previous version of the rle program, a very picky reader might complain that it is annoying to have to first read past start and count to see the last line, when the last line tells the reader how it all starts, and thus should be first.

Therefore, the programmer has the option to use a where-clause instead of a let expression here. A where-clause is attached to a function equation (or, more rarely, to a match in a case expression), has access to its parameters and – most crucially – is written after or below the right-hand side of the equation:

rle :: Eq a => a -> Stream a (Integer,a)
rle stop = NeedInput start
    start x | x == stop = Done
            | otherwise = NeedInput (count x 1)
    count x n x' | x == x' = NeedInput (count x (n + 1))
                 | otherwise = HasOutput (n, x) (start x')

It is not a huge change, but one that – in my humble opinion – improves readability by a small but noticeable bit.

If you have a function with multiple guards on one equation, such as start, then a where clause would scope over all such guards. So we could write

sumDigitsWith :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
sumDigitsWith f n
  | n < 10 = f d
  | otherwise = sumDigitsWith f r + f d
  where (r,d) = splitLastDigit n

(note that d is used in both right-hand sides) if we wanted.

The structure of a module

As we zoom out one step, we get to look at a Haskell file as a whole. In Haskell, every file is also a Haskell module, and modules serve to provide namespacing support.

Normally, a Haskell module named Foo.Bar.Baz lives in a file Foo/Bar/Baz.hs, and begins with

module Foo.Bar.Baz where

Haskell module names are always capitalized.

If a file does not have such a header (which is usually only the case for experiments and the entry point of a Haskell program), then it is implicitly called Main. This is why the GHCi prompt says Main> after loading such a file.

The rest of the module is are declarations: Values, functions, types, type synonyms etc. The important bit to know here is that the order of declarations is completely irrelevant: You can use functions you that are defined further down, you can mix type and function declarations, you can even separate the type signature of a function from its definition (but you have to keep multiple equations of one function together). This allows the author to sort functions by topic, or by relevance, rather than by dependency, and it is not uncommon to first show the main entry-point of a module, and put all the helper functions it uses below.

Importing other modules

Obviously, the point of having multiple files of Haskell code is to use the code from one in the other. This is achieved using import statements, which must come right after the module header, and before any declarations.

So if we have a file Target.hs with content

module Target where
who :: String
who = "world"

and another file Tropes.hs with content

module Tropes where

import Target

greeting :: String
greeting = "Hello " ++ who ++ "!"

then the use of who in greeting refers to the definition in the file Target.hs.

We could also write

greeting :: String
greeting = "Hello " ++ Target.who ++ "!"

and use the fully qualified name of who. This can be useful for disambiguation, or simply for clarity. There must not be spaces around the period, or else it would refer to the composition operator.

If we only ever intend to use the things we import from a module in their qualified names, we can use a qualified import:

import qualified Target

And if the module has a long name, we can shorten it:

import qualified Target as T

and write T.who. This is a common idiom for modules like Data.Text that export many names that would otherwise clash with names from the prelude.

The standard library, called base, comes with many modules you can import in addition to the Prelude module, which is always imported implicitly.

Import lists ★

If we do not want to import all names of another module, we can import just a specific selection, e.g.:

import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)

This makes it easier for someone reading the code to locate where a certain function is from, and it makes the code more robust against breakage when a new version of the other module starts exporting additional names. These would not silently override other names, but cause compiler errors about ambiguous names.

When including an operator in this list, include it in parenthesis:

import Data.Function ((&), on)

You can import types just as well, just include them in the list. To import constructors (which look like types), you have to list them after the type they belong to. So if we put our definitions of Complex and Riemann into a file Riemann.hs, namely

module Riemann where
data Complex = C Integer Integer
data Riemann = Complex Complex | Infinity

then you can import everything using

import Riemann (Complex(C), Riemann(Complex, Infinity))

or, shorter,

import Riemann (Complex(..), Riemann(..))

Export lists and abstract types ★

You can not only restrict what you import, but also what you export. To do so, you list the names of functions, types, etc. that you want to export after the module name:

module Riemann (Complex, Riemann(..)) where

A short export list is a great help when trying to understand the role and purpose of a module: If it only exports one or a small number of functions, it is clear that these are the (only) entry points to the code, and that all other declarations are purely internal.

By excluding the constructors of a data type from the export list, as we did in this example with the Complex type, we can make this type abstract: Users of our module now have no knowledge of the internal structure of Complex, and they are unable to create or arbitrarily inspect values of type Complex. Instead, they are only able to do so using the other functions that we export along with Complex. This way we can ensure certain invariant in our types – think of a search tree with the invariant that it is sorted – or reserve the ability to change the shape of the type without breaking depending code.

Proper user of abstract types greatly helps to make code more readable, more maintainable and more robust, quite similar to how polymorphism does it on a smaller scale.

Haskell packages ★

Zooming out some more, we come across packages: A package is a collection of modules that are bundled under a single package name. A package contains meta-data (name, version number, author, license...). Packages declare which other packages they depend upon, together with version ranges. All this meta-data can be found in the Cabal file called foo.cabal in the root directory of the project.

Almost all publicly available Haskell packages are hosted centrally on Hackage, including the haddock-generated documentation and cross-linked source code. They can be easily installed using the cabal tool, or alternative systems like stack or nix. The packages on Hackage cover many common needs and it is expected that a serious Haskell project depends on dozen of Haskell packages from Hackage.


This module is a composition of work by http://haskell-for-readers.nomeata.de/ and the data61 functional programming course. See LICENSE.md for specifics.