
Laravel 8 dependent country state city dropdown with AJAX. Dynamic dependent country state city dropdown taking jQuery AJAX’s in the Laravel 8 application.

Primary LanguagePHP

country state city dropdown laravel

Laravel 8 dependent country state city dropdown with AJAX. you will determine how to create a dynamic dependent country state city dropdown taking jQuery AJAX’s help in the Laravel 8 application.

How to use

Follow below given simple steps to create country state city dependent dropdown list in laravel using jQuery ajax and as well as we provide live demo:

  1. git clone git clone https://github.com/hasmukh-dharajiya/country-state-city-dropdown-laravel.git
  2. Copy .env.example file to .env
  3. Create database location
  4. Open DB Folder and import database location.sql
  5. Edit database credentials in .env file DB_DATABASE=location
  6. Run composer install
  7. Run php artisan key:generate
  8. Run php artisan ser

You should see the list of Data, something like this:
