
Netflix, the global leader in media and video streaming, captivates over 200 million subscribers worldwide with its diverse library of over 8,000 movies and TV shows. In this age of digital entertainment, understanding the intricate dynamics of Netflix's content offering is paramount. Our "Netflix Power BI Dashboard" delves deep into this ever-expanding universe of entertainment, providing valuable insights and illuminating patterns that can steer content strategies and viewer engagement.


Project Objectives

This Power BI project is structured around several key tasks designed to unlock the secrets of Netflix's content ecosystem:

  1. Identifying Genres by Titles: Classifying content into various genres to understand the distribution and prevalence of different types of content on Netflix.
  2. Identifying Ratings by Show ID: Analyzing the ratings assigned to each show to gauge audience reception and content quality.
  3. Identifying Movies and TV Shows by Release Years: Tracking the release years of movies and TV shows to observe trends over time and the evolution of Netflix's content library.
  4. Determining the Total Number of Movies and TV Shows: Providing an overview of the entire content library to measure the scale and growth of Netflix's offerings.
  5. Identifying the Top 10 Countries by Movies and TV Shows: Highlighting the countries that contribute the most content to Netflix, offering insights into regional content availability and diversity.
  6. Analyzing Content Duration: Examining the average and total duration of movies and TV shows to understand content length preferences and trends.
  7. Assessing Audience Demographics: Exploring viewer demographics to tailor content strategies based on the preferences of different age groups and regions.
  8. Evaluating Content Availability: Investigating the availability of content across different regions to identify gaps and opportunities for expansion.
  9. Studying Popularity Trends: Tracking the popularity of various genres and titles over time to understand shifting viewer preferences and emerging trends.
  10. Comparing Original vs. Acquired Content: Distinguishing between Netflix original content and acquired content to evaluate the impact and reception of Netflix's in-house productions.



Visualization Tools: Power BI Data set used: Netflix Dataset

This Power BI project leverages a rich palette of visualizations, including bar charts, area charts, tree maps, and donut charts. These visuals are carefully crafted to make complex data easily accessible and visually engaging, enhancing the user experience.


In a world where data-driven decisions are paramount, our Netflix Power BI Dashboard Project empowers content creators, marketers, and decision-makers in the entertainment industry to navigate the Netflix universe effectively. Explore the nuances of content genres, audience preferences, and international contributions while unveiling the hidden gems within Netflix's content repository. Welcome to the era of data-driven entertainment strategy, brought to life through the power of Power BI.