
energy_py is a reinforcement learning agent and environment for energy systems

Primary LanguagePython


energy_py is reinforcement learning in energy systems. It's a reinforcement learning agent and environment built in Python.

Reinforcement learning in energy systems requires first proving the concepts in a virtual environment. This project demonstrates the ability of reinforcement learning to control a virtual energy environment.

To get started clone this repo and run core.py.

This project is built and maintained by Adam Green - adam.green@adgefficiency.com.

You can read the introductory blog post for this project here.

Guide to the project

energy_py is composed of Python scripts. To run a single naive episode:

env = environments.energy_py(EPISODE_LENGTH)
agent = agents.Q_learner(env, verbose=0)

episode = 0  # the episode number
agent.policy_ = 1  # naive policy


  • Creates environment, agent
  • episode 0 = naive episode where all assets at 100% load for entire episode
  • episode 0 to n = user defined number of episodes (n) with epsilon-greedy policy
  • episode n+1 = greedy episode, epsilon = 0 (no exploration)
  • outputs saved every x episodes (user defined)
  • saves Keras model weights after episode n+1

agents.py - Q_learner(class)

  • approximating Q(s,a) using a Keras neural network
  • single episode runs within agent
  • trains after each step using replay memory
  • policy can be set to: naive - action is always the maximum of the available action space e-greedy - with probability e select random action, else optimal greedy - always select optimal action (as per current value function)
  • episode stops when env.done == True
  • number of functions used to deal with generating variable action space
  • Q_learner.output() function generates charts and CSVs of data

environments.py - energy_py(class)

  • energy system environment
  • ability to use multiple energy asset models - see assets/library.py
  • reward based on net energy cost
  • state = energy demands & prices
  • actions = load and binary variable for each energy asset
  • episode length = maximum depends on amount of data in assets/time_series.csv


  • models of energy assets
  • currently two available - gas engine or gas turbine (user defined size)
  • each class has the same set of methods (would be ideal for a base class)
  • allows iteration over list of assets to get technical outputs (power generated, gas consumed etc)


  • Keras models to approximate the action value function Q(s,a)
  • currently only one model - a Sequential Keras model
  • Keras model structured with input of [state, action] output of Q(s,a) (single node) input is a normalized 1-D numpy array of [state, action]
  • agent is agnostic to the specific the Keras model

Structuring the Keras model to output a single Q(s,a) means we need n forward passes to consider n [state, actions]. I've done this because I deal with a variable set of [state, actions].

This makes action selection and training expensive as both require estimating Q(s,a) for a large number of [state, actions]. This means a lot of forward passes across the network!

You can see how the action space is generated by looking at environments.energy_py.create_action_space(last_actions).

Two important points

1 - reward calculated using next state (s')

  • actions a are applied to the next state (s') (unseen by the agent until the next time step)
  • this means the agent is forced to do some time series forecasting. This is intended behavior

2 - variable action space

  • the actions available to the agent are dependent on the previous actions
  • to account for this I have added a number of different methods to the energy_py() environment

Open AI gym integration

The Open AI gym paradigm has inspired the design of energy_py. I would love to one day have an energy_py environment in the Open AI GitHub repo!

I've integrated with the Open AI gym project in the following ways:

  • inherits the gym.Env base class from the Open AI gym project
  • makes use of step & reset methods as per gym env objects
  • makes use of the gym.spaces objects

Energy engineering modeling

It's easy to change the energy engineering parameters of the energy_py environment. The user can add more or different types of assets. The environment is flexible enough to model an electricity only generator all the way through to a Combined Heat, Cooling & Power plant.

Features of the energy engineering modeling

  • add or remove assets from the list of asset_models
  • add, remove or change state variables by changing energy_py.state_models and assets/time_series.csv. Note that the order of the dictionaries in energy_py.state_models should match the headers of the time_series.csv
  • actions are applied to next state (as detailed above)
  • the state includes demands for high-grade heat, low-grade heat, electricity and cooling
  • energy balances are done for electricity, high-grade heat, low-grade heat and cooling Any heat not supplied by the assets is supplied by a gas boiler operating at 80 % HHV Any cooling not supplied by the assets is supplied by an electric chiller operating at a COP of 3
  • no operation & maintenance costs are modeled
  • all gas prices, efficiencies are on a higher heating value (ie gross) basis
  • heat, electricity and cooling measured in MW
  • reward is calculated based on the net energy cost

net energy cost = export electricity revenue - (gas cost + import electricity cost)

Future changes for energy_py


  • create a base class for assets
  • add more complex value function approximations (1-D convolutional or recurrent neural networks)
  • learner based on policy gradients
  • action space to only have [0,0] rather than [67,0]
  • ability to select which variables to use as state

Energy engineering model

  • abstraction of steam headers - ability to link with heat demands etc
  • heat and mass balances.
  • deaerator modeling
  • energy storage (thermal or electrical). would be another asset to operate
  • expanded engine library (prime mover types & engine models)
  • penalty for start/stops
  • O&M costs

Visit adgefficiency.com where I blog about energy and machine learning.

Thanks for reading!