MERN Template

To use this template, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies using npm
    • First do npm install in the root directory
    • Then do npm install in the client directory
  3. To only run the backend server, run
    • npm start in the root directory
  4. To only run the frontend server, run
    • npm run start in the client directory
  5. To run both servers, run
    • npm run dev in the root directory


You need to do the steps below to get the project up and running:

  1. Create a MongoDB Atlas account
  2. Create a MongoDB database
  3. Copy the mongodb://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database> string
  4. Create a config folder in the root directory
  5. Create a default.json file in the config folder
    • In that file create a JSON object with the following property:
      • mongoURI: The URL to your MongoDB database
  6. Create a db.js file in the root directory
    • In that file create a function that returns a MongoDB connection
    • If you want to know how to create a MongoDB connection then check out the MongoDB connection documentation

Create an issue if you face any problem with the template