
Simple security framework letting you to use security functions with a few lines of code. Supports Asymmetric, Symmetric and Key agreement algorithms

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Build_Status cocoapods compatible Licence

SecurityWrapper is a simple security framework letting you to use security functions with a few lines of code. It supports both Symmetric and Asymmetric algorithms, Signing and Verifying and key agreement using Diffie-Hellman algorithm.


  • Xcode 10

    Since CommonCrypto library has been available for Swift projects since xcode10, you'll need to checkout xcode9 branch if you want to use SecurityWrapper with earlier versions of xcode.

  • Swift 4.0+


SecurityWrapper is accessible on the cocoapods. Edit your project's Podfile and add following line to it:

pod 'SecurityWrapper'


It consists of 3 main sections. Asymmetric, Symmetric, and Hashing. To find more examples and usages you can take a look at AsymmetricTests, SymmetricTests and HashingTests.


Encrypt - Decrypt

let security = Symmetric()
let key = security.generateSymmetricKey(id: "AESKeyID")

let cipher = security.encrypt(plain: plain, key: key!, iv: iv!)
let plain = security.decrypt(cipher: cipher!, key: key!, iv: iv!)


Encrypt - Decrypt

let security = Asymmetric()
let (pubKey, pKey) = security.generateKeyPair(publicKeyID: "PublicKeyID", privateKeyID: "PrivateKeyID")

let cipher = try? security.encrypt(text: plainText, keyID: "PublicKeyID")
let plain = try? security.decrypt(cipher: cipher!, keyID: "PrivateKeyID")

Signing - Verifying

let security = Asymmetric(signAlgo: .ecdsaSignatureDigestX962SHA512)

let sign = try? security.sign(data: rawData, privateKeyID: "PrivateKeyID")
let verify = try? security.verify(rawData: rawData, signedData: sign!, publicKeyID: "PublicKeyID")

Key agreement (Diffie Hellman)

let security = Asymmetric()
let yourPrivateKey: Data = security.getKey(id: "PvKeyID1")!
let peerPublicKey: Data = *Peer Public Key*

let sharedSecret = try? security.computeSharedSecret(privateKey: yourPrivateKey, publicKey: peerPublicKey)


var hash = Hash(.MD5)
let MD5 = hash.hash(plainData)

hash = Hash(.SHA256)
let SHA256 = hash.hash(plainData)

hash = Hash(.SHA512)
let SHA512 = hash.hash(plainData)


var hash = Hash(.SHA1)
let HMAC1 = hash.hmac(message: plainData, key: plainKey)

hash = Hash(.SHA256)
let HMAC256 = hash.hmac(message: plainData, key: plainKey)

hash = Hash(.SHA512)
let HMAC512 = hash.hmac(message: plainData, key: plainKey)


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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details