SecurityWrapper is a simple security framework letting you to use security functions with a few lines of code. It supports both Symmetric and Asymmetric algorithms, Signing and Verifying and key agreement using Diffie-Hellman algorithm.
Xcode 10
Since CommonCrypto library has been available for Swift projects since xcode10, you'll need to checkout xcode9 branch if you want to use SecurityWrapper with earlier versions of xcode.
Swift 4.0+
is accessible on the cocoapods
. Edit your project's Podfile
and add following line to it:
pod 'SecurityWrapper'
It consists of 3 main sections. Asymmetric, Symmetric, and Hashing. To find more examples and usages you can take a look at AsymmetricTests, SymmetricTests and HashingTests.
let security = Symmetric()
let key = security.generateSymmetricKey(id: "AESKeyID")
let cipher = security.encrypt(plain: plain, key: key!, iv: iv!)
let plain = security.decrypt(cipher: cipher!, key: key!, iv: iv!)
let security = Asymmetric()
let (pubKey, pKey) = security.generateKeyPair(publicKeyID: "PublicKeyID", privateKeyID: "PrivateKeyID")
let cipher = try? security.encrypt(text: plainText, keyID: "PublicKeyID")
let plain = try? security.decrypt(cipher: cipher!, keyID: "PrivateKeyID")
let security = Asymmetric(signAlgo: .ecdsaSignatureDigestX962SHA512)
let sign = try? security.sign(data: rawData, privateKeyID: "PrivateKeyID")
let verify = try? security.verify(rawData: rawData, signedData: sign!, publicKeyID: "PublicKeyID")
let security = Asymmetric()
let yourPrivateKey: Data = security.getKey(id: "PvKeyID1")!
let peerPublicKey: Data = *Peer Public Key*
let sharedSecret = try? security.computeSharedSecret(privateKey: yourPrivateKey, publicKey: peerPublicKey)
var hash = Hash(.MD5)
let MD5 = hash.hash(plainData)
hash = Hash(.SHA256)
let SHA256 = hash.hash(plainData)
hash = Hash(.SHA512)
let SHA512 = hash.hash(plainData)
var hash = Hash(.SHA1)
let HMAC1 = hash.hmac(message: plainData, key: plainKey)
hash = Hash(.SHA256)
let HMAC256 = hash.hmac(message: plainData, key: plainKey)
hash = Hash(.SHA512)
let HMAC512 = hash.hmac(message: plainData, key: plainKey)
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- Hassan Shahbazi - Hassaniiii
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details