
Primary LanguageElixir


Everything goes better when a project has a code name.

Collector for AWS Config

Build a Release

From the root of the project:

docker build --tag=banzai-build --file docker/Dockerfile.centos7.build .

The release is built but we need to have the instance running, so:

docker run -it banzai-build /bin/bash

Get the ID of the image:

docker ps --last 1 --quiet

Copy the release tarball out: docker cp <imageid_from_above>:/app/_build/prod/rel/banzai/releases/0.0.1/banzai.tar.gz /tmp


Copy the tarball to the remote server:

scp -i creds.pem /tmp/banzai.tar.gz centos@some-long-identifier.amazonaws.com:/tmp