Group Project Movie App

you are required as a group to create Movie App and to get the data about movies from TheMovieDB APIs.

Requirements(Read them Carefully!)

You are required to implement web application that will allow the user to do the following


  • Must use Redux with at least two actions
  • Must at least use 3 React hooks useState, useEffect, and useContext
  • Must be in English and Arabic using react-i18next

user stories:

  • As a user, I can see the latest movies.
  • As a user, I can search movies.
  • As a user, I can add a movie or remove it from my favorites.(must use Redux here)
  • As a user, I can see movie details (Movie Name, Poster, Movie Description, Genres)
  • As a user, I can share movie link to IMDB site.
  • As a user, I can see similar movies for each movie.
  • As a user, I can see as more movie details (Cast names and posters).
  • As a user, I can see star details with the list of movies casted in.


  • List technologies used
  • Link to wireframes and user stories.
  • Document your planning and tell a story about your development process and problem-solving strategy.
  • List unsolved problems which would be fixed in future iterations.
  • Describe how some of your favorite functions work


1- You are required to register an account to generate API Key.

2- API documentation is found here example:


  • A working website, built by your Group
  • A link to your hosted working website in the URL section of your Github repository
  • A git repository hosted on Github, with a link to your hosted website, and frequent commits from each member of the team.


  • Firebase Auth with useContext

  • Use localStorage with Redux

  • Make it Full Stack using .Net as backend

  • Use React Native as your FrontEnd in addition to your web application

Due Date

On Sunday 2021/07/18 at 9:00 am.