
Docker container for simple Flask Restful API

Primary LanguagePython

Docker container for simple Flask restful API

Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed.

Flask Restful API

A simple Flask Restful API using Flask-restful


  • A simple Flask Restful API with following endpoints:

    • /add : POST method
    • /subtract : POST method
    • /multiply : POST method
    • /division : POST method
  • Posted data format

    "x": 12,
    "y": 20
  • Response format
    "Message": <answer>,
    "Status Code": 200

How to run

  • Clone the repo
  • $ cd flask-restful-docker
  • $ docker-compose build
  • $ docker-compose up
  • Open new terminal/cmd
  • Find you docker machine IP by typing
  • $ docker-machine ip
  • Open your browser and type : http://your-docker-machine-ip:5000/
  • if helloworld appears then its working fine
  • Test API using POSTMAN