API for finding similarity between two sentences or strings. Built with Python, Flask, MongoDB and Spacy NLP Models.
- User can sign up for using API by sending json object of username and password at /register
"username": "user",
"password": "pass"
- User can check similarity of two sentences by sending post request at /detect. This action deducts one token
"username": "user",
"password": "pass",
"text1": "hello my first sentence",
"text2": "hello, are they similar ?
"status": 200
"similarity": 0.651514
- Admin can refill user tokens by hitting /refill endpoint
"username": "user"
"admin_pw": "adminpass"
"refill": 10
- status 301 means out of tokens
- status 302 means invalid username or password
- Clone the repo
- $ cd text-similarity
- $ docker-compose build
- $ docker-compose up
- Open new terminal/cmd
- Find you docker machine IP by typing
- $ docker-machine ip
- Open your browser and type : http://your-docker-machine-ip:5000/
- if helloworld appears then its working fine
- Test API using POSTMAN