
Restful API for Similarity Check

Primary LanguagePython

Similarity Check API using Spacy NLP Models


API for finding similarity between two sentences or strings. Built with Python, Flask, MongoDB and Spacy NLP Models.

  • User can sign up for using API by sending json object of username and password at /register
    "username": "user",
    "password": "pass"
  • User can check similarity of two sentences by sending post request at /detect. This action deducts one token
    "username": "user",
    "password": "pass",
    "text1": "hello my first sentence",
    "text2": "hello, are they similar ?


    "status": 200
    "similarity": 0.651514
  • Admin can refill user tokens by hitting /refill endpoint
    "username": "user"
    "admin_pw": "adminpass"
    "refill": 10
  • status 301 means out of tokens
  • status 302 means invalid username or password

How to run

  • Clone the repo
  • $ cd text-similarity
  • $ docker-compose build
  • $ docker-compose up
  • Open new terminal/cmd
  • Find you docker machine IP by typing
  • $ docker-machine ip
  • Open your browser and type : http://your-docker-machine-ip:5000/
  • if helloworld appears then its working fine
  • Test API using POSTMAN