
quick exercise

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hassan Badru

Capterra - Expensive Click App

This app allows user to view or download valid most Expensive clicks


  • ReactJS - Lightweight & agnostic UI library with a component architecture
  • JSON_Loader - for reading JSON string
  • Moment - for working better with date/time
  • Bootstrap - for basic styling
  • Font Awesome - for basic icons
  • Jest - for basic testing


While within root directory

Install Dependencies

This would install the necessary package.json modules

npm install

Run exercise solution

npm run solution

This solution would produce the file resultset.json and add this file to code_output folder within the root directory. Note: If a code_output folder doesn't already exist, one would be created

$ File -> resultset.json has been saved!
Location -> /path/to/solution_Hassan_Badru/code_output/resultset.json

Root Folder

    ├── src/
    │   ├── components/
    │   │   ├── clicks.js
    │   │   ├── display.js
    │   │   ├── inputform.js
    │   │   └── periods.js
    │   ├── data/
    │   │   ├── clicks.json
    │   │   └── test_clicks.json
    │   ├── App.js
    │   ├── App.test.js
    │   ├── App.css
    │   ├── index.css
    │   ├── index.js
    │   ├── helpers.js
    │   ├── serviceWorker.js
    │   └── logo.svg
    ├── public/
    │   └── index.html
    ├── solution.js
    └── code_output/
        └── resultset.json
    ├── README.md
    ├── node_modules/
    ├── package.json
    ├── package-lock.json
    ├── .git/
    └── .gitignore

Run Web App

The React App would run on localhost:3000 with the command:

npm run solution-app

To run a production build

 npm run build
 npm install -g serve
 serve -s build

Test App

To run test suites:

npm run test

Sample test:

PASS  src/App.test.js
 ✓ renders App without crashing (271ms)
 ✓ check if timestamp belongs to period (4ms)
 ✓ create period ranges (1ms)
 ✓ check for invalid ips + most expensive clicks within period (10ms)
 ✓ check resultset output (104ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       5 passed, 5 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        2.209s
Ran all test suites.

Design & Approach

  • Extracts Clicks JSON data from file (clicks.json)
  • Creates 24 one-hour periods
  • Groups Clicks data into one-hour periods
  • Creates an IP Count Lookup table
  • Creates an Invalid IP Lookup table
  • Sorts Clicks by timestamp (earliest to latest)
  • Traverses from earliest to latest click, searching higher click amounts for Duplicate Clicks
  • Checks if IP address is valid (i.e. IP appears at most 10 times)
  • Checks if Duplicate Click exists for period
  • If Duplicate Click doesn't exist, adds click to result set
  • If Duplicate Click exists, compares click amounts for similar IP and only adds the more expensive click to result set
  • Concatenates array of result set for all one-hour periods
  • Produces a resultset.json file from resultset array
  • Stores resultset.json in root folder code_output

Additional Web App Features

  • Allows view of clicks per period
  • Allows download of valid Most Expensive Clicks per period
  • Allows and validates user inputted JSON data
  • Allows reset of app data to JSON file (clicks.json)

Using a custom (helpers) module

  • convertHoursToTime = (hour) - takes in a period number and returns the maximum hour mark (click period's time format -> HH:mm:ss)
  • getClickPeriod(p) - takes in a period number and returns a minimum - maximum time range (click period)
  • createClickPeriods(nPeriods) - given number of periods (24), creates a click period for each 24 hours
  • hasClickPeriod(timestamp, min, max) - checks if timestamp is within click period
  • groupClicks(json_data, period) - add clicks that belong to specific click periods
  • checkIps(json_data, period) - check if all click IPs within the click period are valid, adds clicks (valid / most expensive / earliest) to click period's result set
  • createResultset(json_data) - Concatenates total results set from all click periods


  • Click timestamp Format -> MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss

Main Components

Used React Class & Function Components + React Hooks


  • Class component that initialize / manage entire app states
  • Download button for resultset.json
  • Shows toggle button to open user inputted JSON form
  • (if user inputted JSON), allow Refresh of data to default


  • Shows all clicks within that period (sorted by timestamp)
  • Shows the most expensive clicks for that period (period set)
  • Shows 'No Valid Result' if no click exists or if click IP appears more than 10 times
  • Download button for periodset_#.json


  • Shows an navigation tab to each 24 hour period

alt text


  • Shows all valid, invalid clicks and their count alt text


  • Updates data with JSON string via Text Box alt text

App States

  • period Object - current period being viewed
  • period_clicks Array - total clicks within period
  • expensive_clicks Array - highest and/or earliest clicks within period
  • invalid_ips Array - All clicks with IP appearing more than 10 times
  • resultset Array - Result set (array of hashes) that includes each valid clicks/IPs within each one-hour period
  • hide_form Boolean - Toggle JSON input form
  • default_data Array - current JSON data loaded