Item Catalog Project Web Application with Flask framework.
#Installation & Run Application
1- install vagrant &virualbox OR linux
2- install python 2.7
3- Install Flask
4- Install Jinja2
5- Install SQLAchemy
6- Install OAuth
7- run database python itemcatalog/
8- run insert first data python itemcatalog/
9- run project python itemcatlog/ in http://localhost:5000
1- Go to your app's page in the Google APIs Console —
2- Choose Credentials from the menu on the left.
3- Create an OAuth Client ID.
4- choose Web application.
5- You will then be able to get the client ID and client secret.
this data public to any one can see it
1- Catalog JSON: http://localhost:5000/Api/Catalog/JSON - Displays All Catalogs Data.
2- Catalog Items JSON: http://localhost:5000/Api/Catalog/int:catalog_id/items/JSON - Displays All Items Catalogs Data.
3- Item JSON : http://localhost:5000/Api/Catalog/int:catalog_id/items/int:item_id/JSON - Display Catalog Item Data.
- Follow this Link