This is an open source schooling system, dedicated to provide a better experience for schools needing a management and communication and tutoring system all in one place. This project is aiming toward directing all the software development funds and hours to families in need, the idea of the project is to allow schools to use the system as long as the software funds in the school are directed towards financially disadvantaged families and students.
- a-urel
- ahmetsekmenİstanbul
- AzimMahmudChittagong, Bangladesh
- chaouanabilITComp
- coeur85Egypt
- devmanzurHealth Tech Startup, USA
- Driedas
- eriadhamiIntelligent System
- FitzyCodesThings
- gauriramesh@microsoft
- hakanavciiTurkey
- HaseebIjazIslamabad
- hiraldesai@microsoft, @Azure
- JaAfghanAfghanistan Revenue Department
- jeremyj563Davenport, Iowa
- JessicaMuleinDigital Defiance
- JoshuaOVancouver, Canada
- leonibr
- mgernandFluxera Software Development GmbH
- mshafiqmk
- mykjarVilnius, Lithuania
- NickStavrou-NetTickmill
- OrgesKrekaCardo AI
- parmarjitesh
- phucthaidoan
- riddhi-plusinfosys
- rodrigochapeta
- send2vinnie
- ShreyasJejurkar@microsoft
- spensercaDes Moines, IA
- sputierLyon Area, France
- syedibIndia
- thodoris
- trevtrich@GainCompliance
- weitzhandlerUK
- zakaria-c