
A repository containing small OpenMP dataflow examples: some are racy and others are correct.

Primary LanguageC++


A repository containing small OpenMP dataflow test examples. Some of these examples are racy. They aim to test the efficiency of Archer, the race detection tool for OpenMP programs.

How to build and run


(1) Archer - to detect data races on these examples, you need Archer installed on your system. More information on how to install Archer: https://github.com/PRUNERS/archer

(2) CMake - refer to this link on how to install CMake: https://cmake.org/install/

How to build

First clone the project.

git clone git@github.com:hassansalehe/OpenMPDataflowExamples.git

and build with the following commands

cd OpenMPDataflowExamples
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

All the produced programs should be in the build directory.

How to run

To run a particular program:

./<program_name>    # e.g ./banking_task_serial

Run the following command to check how the output of a program changes probably due to data races

./CheckOutput <program_name> <numer_of_runs> <expected_output>


program_name is the name of the program (e.g. banking_task_serial)
number_of_runs is the number of runs you want the program to be re-run. The larger the better.
expected_output is an integer, the expected output of the program.