
Cache manager for handling data in variant cache drivers.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Mongez Cache

This cache package handles various ways to store data in the browser.

The current cache system implements Local Storage Cache.

By default there is a Cache Manager that manages the caching behind the scenes.


yarn add @mongez/cache


npm i @mongez/cache


Here are some but not all of the features of this package:

  • ✅ One API driver to handle all cache engines.
  • ✅ Supports Local Storage Cache.
  • ✅ Supports Session Storage Cache.
  • ✅ Supports Runtime Cache.
  • ✅ Supports Encryption for both Local Storage and Session Storage.
  • ✅ Open for extension to add more cache engines.
  • ✅ Supports Expire Time for each key.
  • ✅ Auto convert objects and arrays when storing and getting them.
  • ✅ Works perfectly with any framework or library or just plain JavaScript.


First off, let's define our cache configurations so we can use cache later without setting it every time.

Setting Cache Configurations

import { PlainLocalStorageDriver, setCacheConfigurations } from "@mongez/cache";

  driver: new PlainLocalStorageDriver(),

Storing value in the cache

import cache from "@mongez/cache";

// this will store in the local storage in the browser key `name` and its corresponding value `Hasan`
cache.set("name", "Hasan");

We can also store arrays or objects.

import cache from "@mongez/cache";

// store array
cache.set("letters", ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]);

// store object
cache.set("user", {
  id: 1,
  name: "Hasan",

Getting Value from storage

import cache from "@mongez/cache";

console.log(cache.get("name")); // Hasan

If the key doesn't exist we can return a default value instead.

import cache from "@mongez/cache";

console.log(cache.get("some-not-stored-key", "Welcome")); // Welcome

If no default value passed and the key does not exist, then null will be returned.

Getting stored arrays or objects:

import cache from "@mongez/cache";

console.log(cache.get("letters")); // [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
console.log(cache.get("user")); // { id: 1, name: 'Hasan'}

Setting Key Prefix

We can also define a prefix key that prefixes all of our keys.

It's recommended to define a prefix key to your app, so similar keys don't override each other especially if you're working on localhost.

import { PlainLocalStorageDriver, setCacheConfigurations } from "@mongez/cache";

  driver: new PlainLocalStorageDriver(),
  prefix: "store-",

// this will store in the local storage in the browser key `store-name` and its corresponding value `Hasan`
cache.set("name", "Hasan");

console.log(cache.get("name")); // Hasan

Cache Configurations list

Here is the list of all available configurations:

export type CacheConfigurations = {
   * The Cache drier interface
  driver: CacheDriverInterface;
   * Set value parser when getting value from cache
  valueParer?: (value: any) => any;
   * Set value converter when setting value to cache
  valueConverter?: (value: any) => any;
   * A prefix for each key in the driver, this is useful for multi apps in same domain
  prefix?: string;
   * Expire time of the cache in seconds
   * @default Infinity
  expiresAfter?: number;
   * Encryption handlers
  encryption?: {
     * Encrypt function
    encrypt: (value: any) => any;
     * Decrypt function
    decrypt: (value: any) => any;

Removing key from storage

import cache from "@mongez/cache";


console.log(cache.get("name")); // null

Cache Drivers List

The following list implements Cache Driver Interface.

Plain Local Storage Driver

The plain local storage implements Local Storage of the browser.

The driver name is: PlainLocalStorageDriver

import { PlainLocalStorageDriver, setCacheConfigurations } from "@mongez/cache";

  driver: new PlainLocalStorageDriver(),

cache.set("name", "Hasan");

console.log(cache.get("name")); // Hasan

Encrypted Local Storage Driver

Starting From V1.2.0 it requires to set the encryption.encrypt and encryption.decrypt functions in configuration to make this work.

Works exactly same as Plain Local Storage Driver except that values are encrypted when stored in the storage.

import {
} from "@mongez/encryption";
import {
} from "@mongez/cache";

// make sure to set the encryption key at some point in your application

  key: "app-key",

  driver: new EncryptedLocalStorageDriver(),
  // add encryption handlers
  encryption: {

// The value will be stored as encrypted value something like store-name: asdfgtrhy54rewqsdaftrgyujiy67t54re3wqsd
cache.set("name", "Hasan");

console.log(cache.get("name")); // Hasan

Plain Session Storage Driver

Added in v1.1

The plain session storage implements Session Storage of the browser.

The driver name is: PlainSessionStorageDriver

import {
} from "@mongez/cache";

  driver: new PlainSessionStorageDriver(),

cache.set("name", "Hasan");

console.log(cache.get("name")); // Hasan

Encrypted Session Storage Driver

Added in v1.1

Starting From V1.2.0 it requires to set the encryption.encrypt and encryption.decrypt functions in configuration to make this work.

Works exactly same as Plain session Storage Driver except that values are encrypted when stored in the storage.

import {
} from "@mongez/encryption";
import {
} from "@mongez/cache";

// make sure to set the encryption key at some point in your application

  key: "app-key",

  driver: new EncryptedLocalStorageDriver(),
  // add encryption handlers
  encryption: {

// The value will be stored as encrypted value something like store-name: asdfgtrhy54rewqsdaftrgyujiy67t54re3wqsd
cache.set("name", "Hasan");

console.log(cache.get("name")); // Hasan

Runtime Driver

Added in v1.1

If you just want to cache the data in the runtime (memory), use RunTimeDriver instead.

import cache, { RunTimeDriver, setCacheConfigurations } from "@mongez/cache";

  driver: new RunTimeDriver(),

cache.set("name", "Hasan");

console.log(cache.get("name")); // Hasan

Expire Time

Added in v1.1

You can set an expire time for each key, the key will be removed from the storage after the expire time.

import cache from "@mongez/cache";

cache.set("name", "Hasan", 60 * 5); // expires in 5 minutes

// after one minute
cache.get("name"); // Hasan

// after 5 minutes
cache.get("name"); // null

This will store the key name with value Hasan and it will be removed after 5 minutes.

By default the cache value will be cached for ever, You can override the default expire time from the configuration.

import { setCacheConfigurations } from "@mongez/cache";

  expiresAfter: 60 * 5, // 5 minutes

Clear Cache

To clear the entire cache storage, you can use the clear method.

import cache from "@mongez/cache";


The default value of expire time is Infinity which means the value will be cached forever.

Cache Manager

By default the cache manager is shipped with a new instance from CacheManager class, so you don't have to create it again, however, you can make a new instance of it by importing it directly.

import {
} from "@mongez/cache";

const cache: CacheManagerInterface = new CacheManager();


// start using it.

Using Storage Driver Directly

You may also use any driver directly, the cache manager is just a facade to the storage driver

import { PlainLocaleStorageDriver, CacheDriverInterface } from "@mongez/cache";

const cacheDriver: CacheDriverInterface = new PlainLocaleStorageDriver();

cacheDriver.set("name", "Hasan"); // Hasan is stored in locale storage

Cache Driver Interface

type CacheDriverInterface = {
   * Set cache into storage
  set(key: string, value: any, expiresAfter?: number): void;

   * Get value from cache engine, if key does not exist return default value
  get(key: string, defaultValue: any): any;

   * Determine whether the cache engine has the given key
  has(key: string): boolean;

   * Remove the given key from the cache storage
  remove(key: string): void;

   * Set prefix key
  setPrefixKey(key: string): void;

   * Get prefix key
  getPrefixKey(): string;

   * Clear the cache storage
  clear(): CacheDriverInterface;

Cache Manager Interface

interface CacheManagerInterface extends CacheDriverInterface {
   * Set driver engine
  setDriver(driver: CacheDriverInterface): void;
   * Get driver engine
  getDriver(): CacheDriverInterface;

Getting Cache Configurations

Added in v1.1

You can get the current cache configurations by importing getCacheConfigurations function.

import { getCacheConfigurations } from "@mongez/cache";

const configurations = getCacheConfigurations();

Or if you want to get just one value use getCacheConfig(key: string) instead.

import { getCacheConfig } from "@mongez/cache";

const expiresAfter = getCacheConfig("expiresAfter");

Define Value Converter

Added in 1.1.6

By default the value is being converted to JSON string before storing it in the storage, and when getting the value it will be converted back to the original value.

To define the value converter, you can define the valueConverter function in the configurations.

import { setCacheConfigurations } from "@mongez/cache";

  // the value will be stored as it is
  valueConverter: JSON.stringify,
  // the value will be converted back to the original value
  valueParer: JSON.parse,

You can also set it directly in the driver.

import { PlainSessionStorageDriver } from "@mongez/cache";

const driver = new PlainSessionStorageDriver();


Change Log


  • Add Unit Tests.
  • Add encryptKey feature to encrypt the key itself.