Supportive Is

A very lightweight library to validate different things


npm i @mongez/supportive-is

Or using Yarn

yarn add @mongez/supportive-is

Version 1

Read the previous version documentation from here.


In older version, all checkers are exported in teh default object Is, but from version 2, each method is separated in its own function, this will increase performance when tree shaking is enabled.

// Old Way
import Is from "@mongez/supportive-is";

console.log(Is.empty({})); // true

// New Way
import { isEmpty } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

console.log(isEmpty({})); // true


We've tons of primitives to be checked, here are some of them.

Is Primitive

Check if the given value is a string, number, boolean, null, or symbol

import { isPrimitive } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

console.log(isPrimitive("hello")); // true
console.log(isPrimitive(22.5)); // true
console.log(isPrimitive(false)); // true
console.log(isPrimitive(null)); // true
console.log(isPrimitive(Symbol("SymbolKey"))); // true
console.log(isPrimitive([])); // false
console.log(isPrimitive({})); // false

Is Scalar

Check if the given value is a string, number, bigInt or boolean

import { isScalar } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

console.log(isScalar("hello")); // true
console.log(isScalar(22.5)); // true
console.log(isScalar(false)); // true
console.log(isScalar(null)); // false
console.log(isScalar(undefined)); // false
console.log(isScalar([])); // false
console.log(isScalar({})); // false

Is Json

Check if the given value string is a valid json format

import { isJson } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let value = '{"name":"Hasan","job":"Software Engineer"}';

console.log(isJson(value)); // true

Is numeric

Check if the given value is a number whether if its data type is String or Number

import { isNumeric } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let numberInt = 12;
console.log(isNumeric(numberInt)); // true

let numberFloat = 12.55;
console.log(isNumeric(numberFloat)); // true

let numberWrittenInString = "99";
console.log(isNumeric(numberWrittenInString)); // true

let floatWrittenInString = "99.99";
console.log(isNumeric(floatWrittenInString)); // true

Check if the given value is an integer and its data type is number

import { isInt } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let number = 12;
console.log(isInt(numberInt)); // true

let numberInString = "12";
console.log(isInt(numberInString)); // false

Is float

Check if the given value is a float number and its data type is number

import { isFloat } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let number = 921;
console.log(isFloat(number)); // true

number = 82.42;
console.log(isFloat(number)); // true

let numberInString = "12";
console.log(isFloat(numberInString)); // false

let floatInString = "12.5";

console.log(isFloat(floatInString)); // false

Is Regex

Check if the given value is a regular expression

import { isRegex } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let regex = /hello/;

console.log(isRegex(regex)); // true

let regexString = "/hello/";

console.log(isRegex(regexString)); // false

let regexObject = new RegExp("hello");

console.log(isRegex(regexObject)); // true

Is Object

Check if the given value is an object

Any type of objects will be validated as true no matter its object type

Arrays are types of objects so any passed array will be validated as true null values are considered objects in javascript, but it will be validated as false if provided.

import { isObject } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let myObject = {};
console.log(isObject(myObject)); // true

class myClass {}
let anotherObject = new myClass();
console.log(isObject(myObject)); // true

let myArray = [];
console.log(isObject(myArray)); // true

console.log(isObject(null)); // false

// to check if the given value is an object but not an array
//you must mix between isObject AND Is.array to avoid an array
if (isObject(myVar) && !Is.array(myVar)) {
  // do something with that object

Is Array

Check if the given value is an array

import { isArray } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let myArray = [];

console.log(isArray(myArray)); // true

This is just an alias to Array.isArray method

Is PlainObject

Check if the given value is a plain javascript object

import { isPlainObject } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

// plain objects
let myObject = {};
console.log(isPlainObject(myObject)); // true

// classes
class myClass {}
let anotherObject = new myClass();

console.log(isPlainObject(myObject)); // false

// arrays
let myArray = [];

console.log(isPlainObject(myArray)); // false

// null value
console.log(isPlainObject(null)); // false

Is iterable

Check if the given value is iterable

import { isIterable } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let myArray = [1, 2, 3];

console.log(isIterable(myArray)); // true

let myObject = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };

console.log(isIterable(myObject)); // true

let myString = "hello";

console.log(isIterable(myString)); // true

let myNumber = 123;

console.log(isIterable(myNumber)); // false

let myBoolean = true;

console.log(isIterable(myBoolean)); // false

let myFunction = function () {};

console.log(isIterable(myFunction)); // false

let myNull = null;

console.log(isIterable(myNull)); // false

let myUndefined = undefined;

console.log(isIterable(myUndefined)); // false

It works fine as well with any class that implements the Symbol.iterator method

class myClass {
  *[Symbol.iterator]() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

let myObject = new myClass();

console.log(Is.iterable(myObject)); // true

Is empty

Check if the given value is empty.

This is a kind of smart method that will validate the given value whether it is empty or not based on its type

import { isEmpty } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

// undefined values are considered empty
let value = undefined;
console.log(isEmpty(value)); // true

// null values are considered empty
value = null;
console.log(isEmpty(value)); // true

// Also any objects with no values are considered empty
value = {};
console.log(isEmpty(value)); // true = "Hasan";
console.log(isEmpty(value)); // false

// Arrays
value = [];
console.log(isEmpty(value)); // true

console.log(isEmpty(value)); // false

// The `Zero` is not considered as empty value
value = 0;
console.log(isEmpty(value)); // false


Check if the given value is a generator

function* myGenerator() {
  yield 1;
  yield 2;
  yield 3;

let myGeneratorObject = myGenerator();

console.log(Is.generator(myGeneratorObject)); // true


Check if the given value is a valid url

import { isUrl } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let url = "";
console.log(isUrl(url)); // true

url = "";
console.log(isUrl(url)); // true

url = "";
console.log(isUrl(url)); // true
url = "";
console.log(isUrl(url)); // true

url = "";
console.log(isUrl(url)); // true

let url = "google";
console.log(isUrl(url)); // false

Is email

Check if the given value string is a valid email

import { isEmail } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let myEmail = "";
console.log(isEmail(myEmail)); // true

Is date

Check if the given value is a date

import { isDate } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let myDate = new Date();

console.log(isDate(myDate)); // true

Is promise

Check if the given value is a promise

import { isPromise } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  resolve("hello world");

console.log(isPromise(myPromise)); // true

Is form element

Check if the given value is a form element

import { isFormElement } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let myForm = document.querySelector("form");

console.log(isFormElement(myForm)); // true

Is.formElement is an alias for Is.form

Is formData

Check if the given value is a form data

import { isFormData } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let myFormData = new FormData();

console.log(isFormData(myFormData)); // true

Is browser

Check if current browser matches the given name

import { isBrowser } from "@mongez/supportive-is";


Is validHtmlId

Check if the given value is a valid html id

import { isValidHtmlId } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

let id = "myId";

console.log(isValidHtml(id)); // true

id = "myId-1";

console.log(isValidHtml(id)); // true

id = "myId-1-1";

console.log(isValidHtml(id)); // true

id = "myId-1-";

console.log(isValidHtml(id)); // false

Is mobile

Check if current visitor is browsing from a sort-of mobile

this property contains set of methods

import { isMobile } from "@mongez/supportive-is";
// To check if user is browsing from an android device
if ( {
  // do something

// To check if  user is browsing from an ios device
if (isMobile.ios()) {
  // do something

// To check if  user is browsing from an iphone
if (isMobile.iphone()) {
  // do something

// To check if  user is browsing from an ipad
if (isMobile.ipad()) {
  // do something

// To check if  user is browsing from an ipod
if (isMobile.ipod()) {
  // do something

// To check if  user is browsing from a windows mobile
if ( {
  // do something

// To check if user is browsing from any type of mobile
if (isMobile.any()) {
  // do something

Is desktop

Check if current visitor is browsing from a desktop device

Please note that any non mobile type will be considered as desktop.

import { isDesktop } from "@mongez/supportive-is";

if (!isDesktop()) {
  // do something


To run tests, run the following command

npm run test


yarn test

Change Log

  • V2.0.0 (04 Sept 2023)
    • Separated each method in its own function
    • Removed many unused methods to reduce the package size
  • V1.0.7 (11 Oct 2022)
    • Added tests
    • Enhanced Documentation
    • Added more methods