- 27
- 3
Crash on first run
#121 opened by DaAwesomeP - 2
Not working with Home Assistant 2022.10.1
#122 opened by lotohov - 9
When trying to launch the addon, an error occurs.
#119 opened by akarpych - 1
When trying to launch the addon, an error occurs.
#118 opened by akarpych - 1
Can't find add on in community add-ons
#115 opened by desinox - 9
- 2
Add the led fx integration name before the entity
#111 opened by DivanX10 - 1
WLED Brightness control over UDP
#104 opened by scoombe1119 - 1
- 3
Nginx 401 Authorization Required
#89 opened by Pr0mises - 1
install on stable branch
#73 opened by bluenazgul - 2
Disable authentication
#72 opened by Megachip - 1
Effects do not appear on the led strip
#61 opened by Chem0908 - 1
I can't find it
#50 opened by RandomPotato893 - 1
Update LedFx to latest LedFx v0.10.4
#42 opened by bob-tm - 1
- 1
Not able to use LedFx ReMote
#9 opened by remcomeer89 - 1
- 3
- 2
#6 opened by halk415 - 2
#8 opened by roy-pa - 4
- 3
bad gateway after initial install
#3 opened by bit4man - 3
#1 opened by Exit2Studios