
Octobox - Community Hass.io Add-on for Home Assistant

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Community Hass.io Add-ons: Octobox

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Take back control of your GitHub notifications.

Octobox on the Home Assistant frontend


If you manage more than one active project on GitHub, you probably find GitHub notifications pretty lacking.

Notifications are marked as read and disappear from the list as soon as you load the page or view the email of the notification. This makes it very hard to keep on top of which notifications you still need to follow up on.

Most open source maintainers and GitHub staff end up using a complex combination of filters and labels in Gmail to manage their notifications from their inbox. If you are like me, try to avoid email, then you might want something else.

Octobox is a beautiful application that manages your GitHub notifications via GitHub’s API, allowing you to filter down by organization, project, notification type, or the reason why you are receiving the notification in the first place.

It is easy to drill down into the issues that matter to you in the current moment while still allowing you to be subscribed to projects that you’d like to keep an eye on. You can quickly address threads that you’ve authored yourself or remember that you still need to submit your review that someone requested. You can “star” long-running issues that you know might be important down the road.

A real must-have for every GitHub opensource contributor.


The installation of this add-on is pretty straightforward and not different in comparison to installing any other Hass.io add-on.

  1. Add our Hass.io add-ons repository to your Hass.io instance.
  2. Install the "Octobox" add-on.
  3. Register a GitHub application, and set the github_client_id and github_client_secret add-on options.
  4. Start the "Octobox" add-on
  5. Check the logs of the "Octobox" add-on to see if everything went well.

NOTE: Starting the add-on might take a couple of minutes (especially the first time starting the add-on).

NOTE: Do not add this repository to Hass.io, please use: https://github.com/hassio-addons/repository.

Docker status

Supports armhf Architecture Supports aarch64 Architecture Supports amd64 Architecture Supports i386 Architecture

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Note: Remember to restart the add-on when the configuration is changed.

Example add-on configuration:

  "log_level": "info",
  "github_client_id": "59e0ec28d71d42d60104",
  "github_client_secret": "3c63dfc42ecb8fc65bb27d3f6ae3f271846367fe",
  "username": "MarryPoppins",
  "password": "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious",
  "ssl": true,
  "certfile": "fullchain.pem",
  "keyfile": "privkey.pem",
  "sync_timeout": 600,
  "fetch_subject": true,
  "minimum_refresh_interval": 1,
  "allow_personal_access_token": false,
  "github_restrict_access": false,
  "github_organization_id": 0,
  "github_team_id": 0,
  "ipv6": false

Note: This is just an example, don't copy and paste it! Create your own!

Option: log_level

The log_level option controls the level of log output by the addon and can be changed to be more or less verbose, which might be useful when you are dealing with an unknown issue. Possible values are:

  • trace: Show every detail, like all called internal functions.
  • debug: Shows detailed debug information.
  • info: Normal (usually) interesting events.
  • warning: Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
  • error: Runtime errors that do not require immediate action.
  • fatal: Something went terribly wrong. Add-on becomes unusable.

Please note that each level automatically includes log messages from a more severe level, e.g., debug also shows info messages. By default, the log_level is set to info, which is the recommended setting unless you are troubleshooting.

Option: github_client_id

The GitHub application client ID for Octobox. You can get this ID by registering a new application on GitHub.

For more information, please see the "Registering a GitHub application" chapter.

Note: This option support secrets, e.g., !secret github_client_id.

Option: github_client_secret

The GitHub application client ID for Octobox. You can get this secret by registering a new application on GitHub.

For more information, please see the "Registering a GitHub application" chapter.

Note: This option support secrets, e.g., !secret github_client_secret.

Option: username

Username for authenticating with the Octobox interface. Leaving the username field empty, will disable the authentication mechanism entirely.

Octox is already protected by a GitHub authentication, nevertheless, other users might still use your installation (still, they need to authenticate with their own GitHub account).

Setting a username/password can be added as an extra line of defense, to prevent users of using your installation for themselves.

This option is HIGHLY recommended in case you expose this add-on to the outside world.

Note: This option support secrets, e.g., !secret octobox_username.

Option: password

Password for authenticating with Octobox interface.

Note: This option support secrets, e.g., !secret octobox_password.

Option: ssl

Enables/Disables SSL (HTTPS) on the web interface of Octobox. Set it true to enable it, false otherwise.

Option: certfile

The certificate file to use for SSL.

Note: The file MUST be stored in /ssl/, which is the default for Hass.io

Option: keyfile

The private key file to use for SSL.

Note: The file MUST be stored in /ssl/, which is the default for Hass.io

Option: sync_timeout

The add-on will sync the notification automatically in the background using a special task. This option allows you to specify a timeout before each sync.

For example, setting this to 900 will automatically sync you the notifications every 15 minutes.

Option: fetch_subject

Experimental feature for downloading extra information about the subject of each notification, namely:

  • Author for Issues, Pull Requests, Commit Comments and Releases
  • State (open/closed/merged) for Issues, Pull Requests
  • Labels

This feature is enabled by default in this add-on, but can be disabled by setting this option to false.

If you want this feature to work for private repositories, you'll need to Customize the Scopes on GitHub adding the repo scope to allow Octobox to get subject information for private issues and pull requests.

Option: minimum_refresh_interval

You may allow users to set an auto-refresh interval that will cause a periodic sync and page reload when they are viewing notifications.

To disable this simply set the environment variable minimum_refresh_interval to 0. minimum_refresh_interval is the lowest number of minutes between auto-syncs that the add-on will allow.

Option: allow_personal_access_token

Octobox can optionally allow you to set a personal access token to use when querying for notifications. This must be enabled at add-on level, by setting this option to true.

Once that is set, users can set a personal access token on the Settings page (found on the user drop-down menu).

Option: github_restrict_access

You can restrict access to your Octobox instance, and only allow members of a GitHub organization or team. To limit access set the configuration option github_restrict_access to true. Next set either github_organization_id or github_team_id.

Option: github_organization_id

This option allows you to limit access to your add-on, by only allowing access to Octobox for members of a specific GitHub organization.

You can get an organization's ID with this curl command:

curl https://api.github.com/orgs/<org_name>

Option: github_team_id

This option allows you to limit access to your add-on, by only allowing access to Octobox for members of a specific GitHub team.

You can get a team's ID with this curl command:

curl https://api.github.com/orgs/<org_name>/teams

Find your team on the list and copy its ID.

Option: ipv6

Set this option too false to disable IPv6 support.

Option: i_like_to_be_pwned

Adding this option to the add-on configuration allows to you bypass the HaveIBeenPwned password requirement by setting it to true.

Note: We STRONGLY suggest picking a stronger/safer password instead of using this option! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Option: leave_front_door_open

Adding this option to the add-on configuration allows you to disable authentication on the add-on by setting it to true and leaving the username and password empty.

Note: We STRONGLY suggest, not to use this, even if this add-on is only exposed to your internal network. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Registering a GitHub application

Octobox works as a GitHub application. In order to work, this application must be registered with GitHub. Every registered OAuth application is assigned a unique Client ID and Client Secret, which is needed by this add-on.

Surf to the following URL to register a new GitHub application:


You can fill out every piece of information however you like, except the Authorization callback URL. This is easily the most important piece to set up your Octobox. It's the callback URL that GitHub returns the user to after successful authentication.

The configuration for Octobox should look something like this:

Registering a new application on GitHub

After creating it, GitHub should show you your GitHub's application Client ID and Client Secret.

Registered GitHub application showing credentials

Use them both in the matching add-on configuration options.

Embedding into Home Assistant

It is possible to embed Octobox directly into Home Assistant, allowing you to access your Octobox through the Home Assistant frontend.

Home Assistant provides the panel_iframe component, for these purposes.

Example configuration:

    title: Octobox
    icon: mdi:github-face
    url: http://addres.to.your.hass.io:3333

Changelog & Releases

This repository keeps a change log using GitHub's releases functionality. The format of the log is based on Keep a Changelog.

Releases are based on Semantic Versioning, and use the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. In a nutshell, the version will be incremented based on the following:

  • MAJOR: Incompatible or major changes.
  • MINOR: Backwards-compatible new features and enhancements.
  • PATCH: Backwards-compatible bugfixes and package updates.


Got questions?

You have several options to get them answered:

You could also open an issue here GitHub.


This is an active open-source project. We are always open to people who want to use the code or contribute to it.

We have set up a separate document containing our contribution guidelines.

Thank you for being involved! 😍

Authors & contributors

The original setup of this repository is by Franck Nijhof.

For a full list of all authors and contributors, check the contributor's page.

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MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 Franck Nijhof

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.