
Option to mount network share?

bobloadmire opened this issue · 7 comments


Recently used the Nextcloud add-on and it has the ability to mount a network share on the container via the config, can you do the same with this add-on? My media is on a network share. Not seeing anything in the documentation.

Expected behavior

ability to mount network share with SMB

Actual behavior

not documented if it exists.

Steps to reproduce

(How can someone else make/see it happen)

Proposed changes

document or add the functionality.

You might be interested in trying this fork of the addon, which supports local/network disks.

Bless you, thank you

Closing it on this end. This is something Ha should support, not an add-on. I will therefore not add support in this add-on for it.

🤷 its an open source project, some has to stand up and contribute it.

no, i mean, they have added so much stuff thats insanely more complicated than add the ability to attach to a storage medium. I'm assuming it must be against their philosophy of what HA is supposed to be, but I haven't found a statement on it, thought maybe you knew.

I know it is wishlist item. The things that van de done Is huge. In the end, most feature rely on contributions made, that is how open source projects work.