
What do these parameters mean when performing Wiener deconvolution?

l291351760 opened this issue · 5 comments

if not(isempty(denominator(denominator<threshold)))
Pt = sqrt(MN)0.9472; % for 16QAM
Pr = mean(abs(Ydd_dft(:)));
Ph = (Pr - noiseVar
Ph_est = mean(abs(Hdd_dft(:)));
est_err = (Ph_estPt - Ph)/sqrt(MN)/2;
denominator = denominator + est_err;
What do Pt, Pr, Ph and Ph_est stand for?
Hope you can tell me, thank you

Implore brothers to inform


Thank you for asking me.

Pt, Pr, Ph and Ph_est are the transmission power, received power, channel gain, and estimated channel gain, respectively.
As my paper doesn't state this calculation in detail (only the following footnote), it might not be an optimal method to conduct the best solution, and it isn't practical.
Please tackle it if you are interested in.

Note: If channel estimation error exists in Λl
, the Wiener
deconvolution can be empirically adjusted by two following
options. The noise variance term in (22) can be considered an
adjustable empirical parameter chosen to balance sharpness
against noise [11]. Alternatively, the denominator of (22)
should be modified locally to avoid zero division or division
by a small value when high SNR [12].

Thanks and regards,

Thank you for answering, thank you very much

Hi @xpp237, Hdd_dft and Ydd_dft are not power-normalized after applying fft2. This is why you need to take into account this gain in these calculations.