
API Collection for Clubhouse - Postman

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Clubhouse API for Postman


Clubhouse is a new type of network based on voice. When you open the app you can see “rooms” full of people talking—all open so you can hop in and out, exploring different conversations.

It's a Postman's Collection to use and test API endpoints of Clubhouse.


There is a multi-level authentication by phone number :

  • Check user's status and send verification code via SMS ( or call the person to say verification code )
  • Check verification code and deliver auth_token, access_token and refresh_token


Public Documentation
Public Collection

At first you need to import collection.json ( Or use above links ) and some collection variables :

  • auth_token
  • user_id
  • Phone number
  • Email address

There is a script in Complete request to set auth_token and user_id. Otherwise, enter them manually.

Also, you need to set your phone number and email address.



Request Description
Check Check user's status and send verification code via SMS.
Call Call the person and send verification message if SMS not delivered.
Complete Complete phone number authentication. This should return auth_token, access_token, refresh_token, is_waitlisted, ...


Request Description
Add email Request for email verification. You only need to do this once.
Settings Receive user's settings.
Me Get your information.
Follow user Follow a user
Unfollow user Unfollow a user
Block user Block a user.
Unblock user Unblock a user.
Followings Get following of the given user_id
Followers Get followers of the given user_id
Online friends List all online friends.
Profile Lookup someone else's profile.
Clubs Get list of clubs the user's in.
Search Search users based on the given query.
Logout Logout from current session.

Channel ( Room )

Request Description
Get channels Get list of channels, based on the server's channel selection algorithm.
Get channel Get information of the given channel.
Create Create a new channel.
End Kick everyone and close the channel. Requires moderator privilege.
Invite user Invite someone to a currently joined channel. It will send a ping notification to the given user_id.
Hide channel Hide/Unhide the channel from the channel list.
Leave channel Leave the given channel.
Join channel Join the given channel.


Request Description
Search Search clubs based on the given query.
Information Get the information about the given club_id
Members Get list of members on the given club_id
Follow Follow a club
Unfollow Unfollow a club


Request Description
Release notes Get release notes
Update Check for app updates
Waitlist status Check whether you're still on a waitlist or not


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Don't be shy to be a contributor 😉

  1. Fork it !
  2. Create your feature branch : git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes : git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch : git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


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