
A PoC implementation of unused code elimination in runtime

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Incinerator of Reg

A PoC implementation of unused code elimination in runtime

What's this?

It's a proof-of-concept implementation of unused code elemenation, which means Incinerator checks if a part of code is actually used in runtime and removes it if unused. For the time being, only function blocks are checked.


npm install incinerator

How to use

Please run incinerator with actual runtime environment, for example, webpack --watch.

incinerator src/


The following is a link to the demo of an example with Chart.js, where bundle size is reduced from ~400K to ~80K.

Youtube: Incinerator Demo

Before incineration


After incineration


How Incinerator works

I recommend reading the code, as it's only ~200 lines long.

  1. Tag every function with a unique ID
  2. Check if a function is called in runtime via WebSocket
  3. When finished, empty uncalled functions
  4. Remove unused top-level variables to remove unused dependencies

Please also consider playing with an example.
