
Free monad for Halogen HTML

Primary LanguagePureScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Free monad for Halogen HTML

Project status

Experimental, not ready for common usage.

I am quite new with PureScript and Halogen, and unsure this idea is viable. Please feel free to leave your thought and share knowledge in Issues.

What's this?

It's experimental usage of free monad to render Halogen HTML.

With using free monad, we can write render functions in Halogen components to be concise and easy to read.

For example, a usual render function with plain Halogen HTML...

render' :: State -> ComponentHTML Query
render' _ =
    [ H.h1_ [ H.text "this is header 1." ]
    , H.h2_ [ H.text "this is header 2." ]
    , H.p_
        [ H.text "just a "
        , H.b_ [ H.text "plain" ]
        , H.text " text"

...can be rewritten with free monad like below.

render :: State -> ComponentHTML Query
render _ = renderHTML do
  div do
    h1 $ text "this is header 1."
    h2 $ text "this is header 2."
    p do
      text "just a "
      b $ text "plain"
      text " text"

The codes above can also be found in App and FreeHTML modules.

How to run

Make sure that purescript, pulp, bower and yarn (or npm) is installed properly.

# clone and cd
git clone https://github.com/utatti/purescript-halogen-free-html.git
cd purescript-halogen-free-html

# install deps
bower i

# build
pulp browserify --to output/build.js

# open in browser
open index.html
