
A starting point for all web-based projects at Hatchd. Leverages SASS, requireJS and Grunt.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Empty Coop

Created and maintained by the team at Hatchd Digital, Perth. We use:


Empty-coop is a consistent base for all our projects at Hatchd. It doesn't force the author to adjust to a specific way of writing (although we have a house style at Hatchd); It's a starting point, not a framework.


Visit our wiki for guidelines on using Empty-coop.


For development and to get the most out of this boilerplate we recommend you install Node & npm and gulp.

Initial setup on a mac looks like:

brew install node
npm install --global gulp

This will install node with npm and gulp commenads globally, ready for use with this project.


We use gulp to manage our static builds. To start pull the repo then:

cd /path/to/empty-coop
npm install

This will allow you to run builds which will build all static requirements.

To run a local development server:

gulp watch

To do a production build:

gulp build

Changelog (major changes)

  • 0.16.0 Implemented js linting based on the air b'n'b styleguide and sass linting using sass-lint
  • 0.15.0 Swapped out eggbox for svgstore and require for browserify and reworked the gulp file to make it much simpler
  • 0.14.0 Removed support for grunt and bower, added gulp (requires eggbox 0.6.3 or higher)
  • 0.12.0 Removed support for IE7 (requires eggbox 0.6.0 or higher)