
Javascript implementation of the Macaroon Bakery

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

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API Reference



import { Bakery } from "@canonical/macaroon-bakery";
const bakery = new Bakery();

bakery.get(url, headers, callback)


A macaroon bakery implementation.

The bakery implements the protocol used to acquire and discharge macaroons over HTTP.

Kind: inner class of bakeryjs

new Bakery(config)

Initialize a macaroon bakery with the given parameters.

Param Type Description
config Object optional config.
config.onSuccess function a function to be called when the request completes properly.
config.storage function the storage used to persist macaroons. It must implement the following interface:
config.storage.get function get(key) -> value.
config.storage.set function set(key, value, callback): the callback is called without arguments when the set operation has been performed. If not provided, it defaults to BakeryStorage using an in memory store.
config.visitPage function the function used to visit the identity provider page when required, defaulting to opening a pop up window. It receives an error object.
config.visitPage.Info Object an object containing relevant info for the visit handling.
config.visitPage.Info.WaitUrl String the url to wait on for IdM discharge.
config.visitPage.Info.VisitUrl String the url to visit to authenticate with the IdM.
config.visitPage.jujugui function an optional value specifying a method to use against idm to authenticate. Used in non interactive authentication scenarios.
config.sendRequest function a function used to make XHR HTTP requests, with the following signature: func(path, method, headers, body, withCredentials, callback) -> xhr. By default an internal function is used. This is mostly for testing.

bakery.sendRequest(url, method, headers, body, callback) ⇒ Object

Send an HTTP request to the given URL with the given HTTP method, headers and body. The given callback receives an error and a response when the request is complete.

Kind: instance method of Bakery
Returns: Object - the XHR instance.

Param Type Description
url String The URL to which to send the request.
method String The HTTP method, like "get" or "POST".
headers Object Headers that must be included in the request. Note that bakery specific headers are automatically added internally.
body String The request body if it applies, or null.
callback function A function called when the response is received from the remote URL. It receives a tuple (error, response). If the request succeeds the error is null.


Send an HTTP GET request to the given URL with the given headers. The given callback receives an error and a response when the request is complete.

See the "sendRequest" method above for a description of the parameters.

Kind: instance method of Bakery


Send an HTTP DELETE request to the given URL with the given headers and body. The given callback receives an error and a response when the request is complete.

See the "sendRequest" method above for a description of the parameters.

Kind: instance method of Bakery


Send an HTTP POST request to the given URL with the given headers and body. The given callback receives an error and a response when the request is complete.

See the "sendRequest" method above for a description of the parameters.

Kind: instance method of Bakery


Send an HTTP PUT request to the given URL with the given headers and body. The given callback receives an error and a response when the request is complete.

See the "sendRequest" method above for a description of the parameters.

Kind: instance method of Bakery


Send an HTTP PATCH request to the given URL with the given headers and body. The given callback receives an error and a response when the request is complete.

See the "sendRequest" method above for a description of the parameters.

Kind: instance method of Bakery

bakery.discharge(macaroon, onSuccess, onFailure)

Discharge the given macaroon. Acquire any third party discharges.

Kind: instance method of Bakery

Param Type Description
macaroon Object The decoded macaroon to be discharged.
onSuccess function The function to be called if the discharge succeeds. It receives the resulting macaroons array.
onFailure function The function to be called if the discharge fails. It receives an error message.


A storage for the macaroon bakery.

The storage is used to persist macaroons.

Kind: inner class of bakeryjs

new BakeryStorage(store, config)

Initialize a bakery storage with the given underlaying store and params.

Param Type Description
store Object A store object implement the following interface: - getItem(key) -> value; - setItem(key, value); - clear().
config Object Optional configuration.
config.initial Object a map of key/value pairs that must be initially included in
config.services Object a map of service names (like "charmstore" or "terms") to the base URL of their corresponding API endpoints. This is used to simplify and reduce the URLs passed as keys to the storage.
config.charmstoreCookieSetter function a function that can be used to register macaroons to the charm store service. The function accepts a value and a callback, which receives an error and a response.

bakeryStorage.get(key) ⇒ String

Retrieve and return the value for the provided key.

Kind: instance method of BakeryStorage
Returns: String - The corresponding value, usually a serialized macaroon.

Param Type Description
key String The storage key, usually a URL.

bakeryStorage.set(key, value, callback)

Store the given value in the given storage key.

Call the callback when done.

Kind: instance method of BakeryStorage

Param Type Description
key String The storage key, usually a URL.
value String The value, usually a serialized macaroon.
callback function A function called without arguments when the value is properly stored.


Remove all key/value pairs from the storage.

Kind: instance method of BakeryStorage


An in-memory store for the BakeryStorage.

Kind: inner class of bakeryjs

bakeryjs~serialize(macaroons) ⇒ string

Serialize the given macaroons.

Kind: inner method of bakeryjs
Returns: string - The resulting serialized string.

Param Type Description
macaroons Array The macaroons to be serialized.

bakeryjs~deserialize(serialized) ⇒ Array

De-serialize the given serialized macaroons.

Kind: inner method of bakeryjs
Returns: Array - The resulting macaroon slice.

Param Type Description
serialized string The serialized macaroons.