Real-Time DDSP Timbre Transfer in MATLAB

Requires MATLAB >= R2020b and the Audio Toolbox.

This plugin is based on Google Magenta's Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (

DDSP trains an autoencoder to extract pitch, loudness and timbre information from a given audio signal, and to generate synthesizer parameters from this information to reconstruct the original audio. If the autoencoder is trained on e.g. a violin sound, we feed its decoder with pitch and loudness information from any arbitrary sound source to transform the source into a violin. This is called timbre transfer (try the demo notebook!).

buildPlugins.m constructs timbre transfer plugins for the four provided examples. The weights of a flute, violin, trumpet and saxophone model were extracted from the timbre transfer demo notebook. You can also build the plugins individually, if you call addpath('plugincode') first.

It's also possible to train your own network with the same architecture as the ones in the timbre transfer demo, and use the script to turn a checkpoint into a MAT file.

To use the weight files in a MATLAB plugin, simply inherit the plugincode/ddspPlugin class and set the ModelFile property to the path of the MAT file containing the decoder weights.

For further detail and a demonstration, refer to this video: