
Dafny solutions for the Grind75 and Blind75 leetcode problems

Primary LanguageDafny

Implementing and verifying the Grind 75 leetcode problem list in Dafny

Dafny is an amazing language built for verifying software but there is a dearth of examples of verifing common software tasks. The goal of this repository is to both provide example code to learn Dafny from but also to create a reference for teaching computer science concepts.

Ideally, all solutions will provide useful and specific specifications to verify the code does what was intended. Additionally, if a task is recursive in nature then both an iterative and a recursive solution will be provided, however, this is a stretch goal because quite often one approach might be dramatically easier to verify than the other.

Secondly, if a solution can be solved naively and with a more sophisticated but not uncommon solution, then ideally both solutions will be implemented and verified.