#Page Preloader

Based off of Codrops tutorial found here

This is a page preloading effect made with CSS animations, SVG, and JavaScript.

Inline SVGs are used so we can style their paths in CSS. I made the DevMountain logo by converting it to .svg and exporting its path using Gimp.


####CSS CSS Transitions - provide a way to control animation speed when changing CSS properties

CSS Transforms - change the shape and position of content without disrupting document flow

CSS Animations - allows element to gradually change from one style to another (see also: @keyframes)

translate3d() - moves position of element in 3d space

####SVG SVG - markup language for describing vector graphics (SVG is to graphics what HTML is to text)

SVG Line Animation - interactive blog post about SVG line animation

fill - fills in the color of SVG shape

####JavaScript Modernizr - Modernizr tells you what HTML, CSS and JavaScript features the user’s browser has to offer.

classie - Use classie only if you need to support older browsers that do not support classList