Deprecation Notice

This fork was originally created to allow use of shallow Radar clone and maintain metadata, in the hathway fork. Rather than update to include privacy manifest support as part of mParticle's 8.1.0 release, which includes Radar's 3.9.14 release, the fork has been retired.

The hathway fork maintained metadata, this can be done by getting and setting the Radar metadata around starting the kit:

        var radarMetadata = Radar.getMetadata() ?? [:]
        MParticle.sharedInstance().start(with: mParticleOptions)
        radarMetadata.merge(Radar.getMetadata() ?? [:]) { (_, new) in new }

Radar Kit Integration

This repository contains the Radar integration for the mParticle Apple SDK.

Adding the integration

  1. Add the kit dependency via SPM or to your app's Podfile or Cartfile:

    pod 'mParticle-Radar', '~> 8.0'


    github "mparticle-integrations/mparticle-apple-integration-radar" ~> 8.0
  2. Follow the mParticle iOS SDK quick-start, then rebuild and launch your app, and verify that you see "Included kits: { Radar }" in your Xcode console

(This requires your mParticle log level to be at least Debug)

  1. Reference mParticle's integration docs below to enable the integration.


Radar integration


Apache License 2.0