Trendyol Backend Developer Hiring Case

Addittional Info: This task was completed on September 12, 2021. It is not current time.

Task 1 (Initialize a web service)

  • Start a new web service project and initialize it. It should be ready to be run.

Task 2 (Web URL to Deeplink)

Write an endpoint that converts web URLs to deeplinks.

  • The endpoint should get a web URL and return a converted deeplink.
  • You must store each request and response in persistent storage.
  • You should design your table columns/document fields


  • Setting PostgreSQL
docker run --name postgresqldb -e POSTGRES_USER=haticeetoglu -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=123456789 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
  • Running app
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run


  • Spring Boot is used as application framework
  • Main data source is PostgreSql


  • /api/convert/to-url (POST)
    -# Converts deeplink to url

  • /api/convert/to-deeplink (POST)
    -# Converts url to deeplink

-You can use swagger from address below:
