Supervisor Managament App

This is a bundled backend service with a React UI. This module coordinates the supervisors currently working at CompanyX and the jurisdiction they cover.

User Story:

Any employee in the company can submit their contact information for a specific supervisor to be notified of any announcements the supervisor has made.

Backend service:

This microservice will be responsible for consolidating the list of current supervisors with following endpoints:

GET /api/supervisors

The supervisors are mapped from a JSON file. And the endpoint returns int the following format: The format of the supervisors returned must be displayed in the following format: '(jurisdiction) - (lastName), (firstName)'. sorted in alphabetical order, first by jurisdiction, then my last name, finally by first name. Numeric juristictions are removed from the response.

POST /api/submit

This endpoint should accept a request for a new notification request for a supervisor. The following data is required in the payload

  1. firstName
  2. lastName
  3. email
  4. phoneNumber
  5. Supervisor


Starting the app

  • After cloning the app cd to backend and run the command:
     $ ./mvnw clean install 
    • Once you have a successful build run the application
     $ ./mvnw spring-boot:run
  • Once your server is up and running, cd to frontend, and install required packages via:
    $ npm install
  • Then run your app
    $ npm start