Points to keep in mind :
Update your API keys from azure in the settings page, Add Face API, Computer Vision and Emotion API. Create a new workspace ID and you are done.
In face identification, Please add the authorized faces you need and train it with atleast 3-5 images so that the detection is accurate. you can either click pictures with the camera or upload exisiting pictures.
Update the API endpoint in RealtimeDemo.xaml.cs
The image, voice, video or text understanding capabilities of the Intelligent Kiosk Sample uses Microsoft Cognitive Services. Microsoft will receive the images, audio, video, and other data that you upload (via this app) for service improvement purposes. To report abuse of the Microsoft Cognitive Services to Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft Cognitive Services website at https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services, and use the “Report Abuse” link at the bottom of the page to contact Microsoft. For more information about Microsoft privacy policies please see their privacy statement here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839.
Developers using Cognitive Services, including this sample, are expected to follow the “Developer Code of Conduct for Microsoft Cognitive Services”, found at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=698895.