
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Бот-очередь для приёмной комиссии ФИВТ


Requirements: Python 3.7+ (tested on 3.8.5), MongoDB
Optionally: Prometheus instance to gather stats, white static IP to use telegram webhook

Environment variables

BOT_TOKEN - Telegram bot API token (required).
AAPI_HOST - Admission API host link (e.g. https://api.hatomist.pw, required).
AAPI_TOKEN - Admission API bearer token (required).
WEBHOOK_HOST - Telegram webhook link (optional, long polling will be used otherwise, but webhook is preferable).
WEBHOOK_PORT - Telegram webhook port (optional).

Web server configuration

This bot runs on specified by WEBHOOK_PORT (if any) and has /webhook and /metrics endpoints (for telegram webhook and prometheus metrics respectively). Web server is bound to localhost and is meant to be accessed via https enabled reverse proxy. This could be changed in main.py-s "__main__" section.

Database configuration

This bot uses local MongoDB installation running on port 27017 by default and uses users collection in adm_queue database. This could be changed in db.py file.