
Just another lorem ipsum generator 🤷‍♂️

Primary LanguageVue


As a designer, its a very common occurence to have to build out an interface but not know exactly what content is going to substantiate it beforehand. We often use what's commonly known as Lorem Ipsum to get around this shortcoming - cramming any given design full of random, meaningless words that make absolutely no sense when scrutinised for the slightest second but lend the overall design the appearance of being finalised.

This tool was originally conceived as a way of quickly generating customised lengths of Lorem Ipsum text for use in a particular project that I was working on at the time.

There's nothing particularly new or otherwise groundbreaking about Lipsy's main purpose - I was inspired by projects such as lipsum.com & lipsum.com and wanted to have a bash at building something that I could use every day.


  • Generate random but utterly convincing Lorem Ipsum text for your project
  • Customisable length: choose between 1 - 100 words/sentences/paragraphs
  • Fast: dictionary loaded alongside app so no server-side call to generate resulting text
  • Authentic: dictionary compiled from Cicero's De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, thought to be the original source of inspiration for Lorem Ipsum text.




Vue.js, Vuetify, Stylus

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