
Physics Mod for Minecraft

Primary LanguageJava

Physics Mod

Feel free to report any bugs here. Please only report bugs on the newest version of the mod. Legacy versions of Minecraft will not get updates.



From Pro v170 and onward you can now create and place custom ocean shader files in your shaderpacks (only supported with Iris). Simply place physics_ocean.vsh/physics_ocean.gsh/physics_ocean.fsh (.gsh file not mandatory) shader files in the corresponding world folders in your shaderpack (you can also create custom shadow shader files with physics_ocean_shadow). Here is a simple comparison from a traditional water shader changed to an ocean shader (thanks Emin for letting me share it!): https://www.diffchecker.com/24hNvzCu/ (Complementary Reimagined r5.1.1)

For more details about the code check out the oceans.glsl file on this page.


Snow uses the entity ID (rendered with the entities shader) 829925 (uniform int entityId;).

Ragdoll API (Physics Mod 2.2.3 and above)

You can use it to add ragdoll physics to your mod entities. To make the physics work with your mod USE the ModelPart class for your custom entities and not create your own one, since I hook into this class. You will need to create a RagdollHook and add it via RagdollMapper.addHook(RagdollHook). A ragdoll hook example can be found in this repo.


filterCuboidsFromEntities is to filter excessive cubes from the model that can get created through some feature overlays in Minecraft and would cause multiple cube drops of the same model.

map is needed to create the connections between the cubes. If you are not sure which cubes should get connected you can get some info via RagdollMapper.printModelParts(model).

Thanks to fabmax for creating a PhysX JNI Wrapper: https://github.com/fabmax/physx-jni

Mod page: https://minecraftphysicsmod.com