
Simple CLI tool that executes the given command until the given timeout or a pattern is matched. When the timeout is reached or the pattern is matched, the process running the command will be terminated.

Primary LanguageGo


Simple CLI tool that executes the given command until the given timeout or a pattern is matched. When the timeout is reached or the pattern is matched, the process running the command will be terminated.

Example usage

Basic explanation

❯ ./exec_until -h
usage:./exec_until[flags] <command>

  -k    Whether the process should be terminated on pattern matched. (default true)
  -p string
        Pattern to match (required)
  -t duration
        Timeout duration. Set to 0 for no timeout. (default 3s)

Minimal examples

❯ ./exec_until -p "foo bar" echo foo bar
pattern matched: foo bar

❯ ./exec_until -p "bar foo" echo foo bar
Error: command completed without a match

❯ ./exec_until -p "bar foo" sleep 5
Error: timeout reached, pattern not matched

Real-life example

I use way-displays to manage my displays, but I don't want the program to keep running in the background. I only launch it on-demand with a specific configuration. Therefore I created this command to help me terminate the program once it's correctly configured my current setup.

./exec_until -p="Changes successful" way-displays -c ~/.config/way-displays/cfg.dock.yaml


  • (fix) Currently some issues with passing arguments, i.e. if you pass exec_until -p "hi" mycommand | grep something, command mycommand | grep something is not correctly executed. Current workaround: exec_until -p "hi" "mycommand | grep something"
  • (fix) Currently user lose zsh suggestions and syntax highlighting on command passed to CLI app