
A new android application for Oslos public transit provider Ruter. As ruter is developing their own app and Google Maps got support for public transit in Oslo, we probably won't finish it...

Primary LanguageJava


It's almost ready to go, but how do we make it build?

Download the SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Intall Android SDK, when done choose API 14(Android 4.0)

Set ANDROID_HOME path(for me: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk) Add %ANDROID_HOME%\tools and %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools to %PATH

You also need a keystore, but we'll configure that later. For now, use the test key store from the archetype To do this you must call: mvn clean install -Prelease -Dsign.keystore=/path/to/your/project/test-key.keystore -Dsign.alias=mykey -Dsign.storepass=testtest -Dsign.keypass=testtest

This is scripted in buildWithTestKey.bat, so just run it.

When we descide to get our own key we need to undeploy all our artifacts before we re-deploy. This is due to: "Be aware that Android cannot re-deploy artifacts using a different key, so be sure to undeploy all artifacts before running the release."

Now it almost builds, but the integration test project will fail The plugin tries to contact a emulated device, or a developer phone. Set up an emulator in eclipse. Deploy to emulator using mvn android:deploy

And, as always: mvn eclipse:eclipse will generate eclipse projects

btw: http://code.google.com/p/maven-android-plugin/wiki/GettingStarted