Omnipay: Secupay

Secupay driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library

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This is non-official Omnipay-driver for the German payment gateway provider Secupay. In order to use it the Omnipay-Framework is required.

Omnipay is a framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 5.3+. This package implements Secupay support for Omnipay.


This package is installed via Composer. To install, simply add it to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "sauladam/omnipay-secupay": "dev-master"

And run composer to update your dependencies:

$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar update

Basic Usage

The following gateways are provided by this package:

  • Secupay_LS (Direct Debit)
  • Secupay_KK (Credit Card)
  • Secupay_Invoice (Invoice)

For general usage instructions, please see the main Omnipay repository.

Setting up the gateway

This is quite simple because the API only needs an API key.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Omnipay\Omnipay;

$gateway = Omnipay::create('Secupay_LS'); // or 'Secupay_KK' for credit card / 'Secupay_Invoice' for invoice


// Testmode is on by default, so you want to switch it off for production.
$gateway->setTestMode(false); // default: true

// The default language is 'DE', but you can switch to 'EN' if you need to. These are the only currently 
// supported languages, any other language will default to 'DE'.
$this->setLanguage('EN'); // default: DE

You can also specify if you want to use the dist system. This is some kind of test environment that won't mess with your actual Secupay account. The transactions won't appear in your Secupay backend. It's recommended for "initial development" to make sure to not screw anything up. This has nothing to do with the test-mode and if you don't quite understand the purpose, just leave it as it is, otherwise you can switch it on an off as you like.

$gateway->setUseDistSystem(true); // default: false

Initializing a payment

Since Secupay will have to do some risk checking, you should provide it a reasonable amount of data about the payment amount, the person paying it and the shipping destination:

$response = $gateway->authorize([
     // the payment amount must be in the smallest currency
     // unit, but as float (or string)
    'amount'          => (float)1234,
    'currency'        => 'EUR', // the currency ISO code
    'urlSuccess'      => '',
    'urlFailure'      => '',
    'urlPush'         => '', // optional
    'customerDetails' => [
        'email'   => '', // optional
        'ip'      => '123.456.789.123', // optional
        'address' => [
            'firstName'   => 'Billing Firstname',
            'lastName'    => 'Billing Lastname',
            'street'      => 'Billing Street',
            'houseNumber' => '4a',
            'zip'         => '12345',
            'city'        => 'Billing City',
            'country'     => 'DE',
    'deliveryAddress' => [
        'firstName'   => 'Delivery Firstname',
        'lastName'    => 'Delivery Lastname',
        'street'      => 'Delivery Street',
        'houseNumber' => '4a',
        'zip'         => '12345',
        'city'        => 'Delivery City',
        'country'     => 'DE',
    // optional
    'experience'      => [
        'positive' => 1,
        'negative' => 0,

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    // this is the hash for subsequent API interactions
    $transactionReference = $response->getTransactionReference(); 
    // this is the url you should redirect the customer 
    // to or display within an iframe
    $iframeUrl = $response->getIframeUrl();
} else {
    echo 'Something went wrong: ' . $response->getMessage();

The iframeUrl points to a (secure) page where the customer can enter her Credit Card / Debit Card data. You probably don't want that kind of data to ever touch your own server, so Secupay provides a form with the necessary fields, encryption and checks. You can redirect the customer to that URL or embed it as an iframe and display it to them - either is fine.

After the customer has filled out and submitted the form, Secupay will redirect them to what you've specified as you urlSuccess in the authorize request. Ideally that URL should contain some kind of payment identifier or some reference to your previously stored $transactionReference, because you now need it to check the status of this transaction:

Check the status

$response = $gateway->status([
    'hash' => $transactionReference,

The status now must be accepted, so check for that:

if($response->getTransactionStatus() == 'accepted')
    // Everything was fine, the payment went through, the order is now ready to ship.
    // This is the id that references the actual payment 
    // and that you'll see in the Secupay backend - not to be confused
    // with the transaction reference for API queries.
    $transactionId = $response->getTransactionId();

Status for Invoice payments

If you're dealing with an Invoice payment type, you'll get the payment instructions for the customer along with the status:

$instructions = $response->getPaymentInstructions();

will then give you something like

    'recipient_legal'       => 'secupay AG, Goethestraße 6, 01896 Pulsnitz',
    'payment_link'          => '',
    'payment_qr_image_url'  => '',
    'transfer_payment_data' => [
        'purpose'        => 'TA 6297254 DT 20160212',
        'account_owner'  => 'Secupay AG',
        'iban'           => 'DE75 3005 0000 7060 5049 53',
        'bic'            => 'WELADEDDXXX',
        'account_number' => '7060504953',
        'bank_code'      => '30050000',
        'bank_name'      => 'Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale NL. Düsseldorf',
    'invoice_number'        => null,
    'shipped'               => false,
    'shipping_date'         => null,

Notice that there is no invoice number and the order is not marked as shipped yet. So you need to tell Secupay as soon as you ship it. To do so, you send a 'capture' request as explained in the next section.

Capture the transaction (= mark order as shipped)

The term 'capture' might be a little misleading in this context. It doesn't actually capture the payment as you might think, but only marks the order as shipped. You can provide additional data like the invoice number and the tracking details:

$response = $gateway->capture([
    'hash' => $transactionReference,
    'invoiceNumber' => 'invoice-12345', // optional
    // optional
    'tracking' => [ 
        'provider' => 'DHL',
        'number' => '0033002020202020',

Note that capturing an Invoice payment is mandatory, otherwise Secupay can't calculate the due date. You can capture all payment types - and you definitely should. Capturing them and providing the tracking details is highly recommended since they can be very helpful in case of a conflict. This concerns especially the LS and Invoice payment types, where the payment risk is significantly higher.

Void a transaction

$response = $gateway->void([
    'hash' => $transactionReference,

    // The transaction has now become void.


For more usage examples please have a look at the tests of this package. Also have a look at the Secupay API Documentation for further details.

If you are having general issues with Omnipay, we suggest posting on Stack Overflow. Be sure to add the omnipay tag so it can be easily found.

If you want to keep up to date with release anouncements, discuss ideas for the project, or ask more detailed questions, there is also a mailing list which you can subscribe to.

If you believe you have found a bug, please report it using the GitHub issue tracker, or better yet, fork the library and submit a pull request.